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Restor Dent Endod.2015 Nov;40(4):262-70.


Comparison of mechanical properties of a new fiber reinforced composite and bulk filling composites.

PMID: 26587411




OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the mechanical and physical properties of a newly developed fiber reinforced dental composite.


繊維強化コンポジットEverX Posterior(EXP、GC EUROPE)、およびFiltek Bulk Fill(FB、3M ESPE)、SonicFill(SF、Kerr Corp.)、SureFil(SDR、Dentsply)、Venus Bulk Fill(VB、HerausKultzer)、Tetric evoceram bulk fill(TECB、Ivoclar Vivadent)、およびXtra Base(XB、Voco)を含む他の市販バルク充填コンポジットの特性を評価した。LED装置で光硬化させた複合材サンプルについて、曲げ強さ、曲げ弾性率(ISO 4049、n=6)、破壊靭性(n=6)、ビッカース硬さ(24時間後の深さ0、2、4 mm、n=5)を評価した。EXP試料と破面を走査型電子顕微鏡で観察した。データは、一元配置分散分析(ANOVA)と対応のないt検定を用いて統計的に分析した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fiber reinforced composite EverX Posterior (EXP, GC EUROPE), and other commercially available bulk fill composites, including Filtek Bulk Fill (FB, 3M ESPE), SonicFill (SF, Kerr Corp.), SureFil (SDR, Dentsply), Venus Bulk Fill (VB, HerausKultzer), Tetric evoceram bulk fill (TECB, Ivoclar Vivadent), and Xtra Base (XB, Voco) were characterized. Composite samples light-cured with a LED device were evaluated in terms of flexural strength, flexural modulus (ISO 4049, n = 6), fracture toughness (n = 6), and Vickers hardness (0, 2, and 4 mm in depth at 24 hr, n = 5). The EXP samples and the fracture surface were observed under a scanning electron microscopy. Data were statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA and unpaired t-test.



RESULTS: EXP, FB, and VB had significantly higher fracture toughness value compared to all the other bulk composite types. SF, EXP, and XB were not statistically different, and had significantly higher flexural strength values compared to other tested composite materials. EXP had the highest flexural modulus, VB had the lowest values. Vickers hardness values revealed SF, EXP, TECB, and XB were not statistically different, and had significantly higher values compared to other tested composite materials. SEM observations show well dispersed fibers working as a reinforcing phase.



CONCLUSIONS: The addition of fibers to methacrylate-based matrix results in composites with either comparable or superior mechanical properties compared to the other bulk fill materials tested.