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Int J Biomater.2016;2016:9658689.


Shear Bond Strengths between Three Different Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Dental Materials and Veneering Ceramic and Their Susceptibility to Autoclave Induced Low-Temperature Degradation.

PMID: 27293439


3種類の異なる市販ジルコニアコア材料(Upcera、Ziecon、Cercon)をVITA VM9ベニアセラミックと積層し、万能試験機を用いて、水蒸気および熱処理による人工時効がせん断接着強さに及ぼす影響を評価した。ジルコニアとセラミック間の破壊モードは、さらに実体顕微鏡を用いて接着性、凝集性、混合性のいずれであるかを分析した。X線回折とSEM(走査型電子顕微鏡)分析は、それぞれジルコニア粒子の相変態(m相率)と表面粒径を推定するために行った。本研究の目的は、水蒸気および熱処理による人工的なエージングにより臨床環境をシミュレートし、15年間の臨床試験と同様の臨床機能とジルコニアとベニア材料との結合の性質を評価することである。

A study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of artificial aging through steam and thermal treatment as influencing the shear bond strength between three different commercially available zirconia core materials, namely, Upcera, Ziecon, and Cercon, layered with VITA VM9 veneering ceramic using Universal Testing Machine. The mode of failure between zirconia and ceramic was further analyzed as adhesive, cohesive, or mixed using stereomicroscope. X-ray diffraction and SEM (scanning electron microscope) analysis were done to estimate the phase transformation (m-phase fraction) and surface grain size of zirconia particles, respectively. The purpose of this study was to simulate the clinical environment by artificial aging through steam and thermal treatment so as the clinical function and nature of the bond between zirconia and veneering material as in a clinical trial of 15 years could be evaluated.