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J Clin Periodontol.2016 Oct;43(10):874-85.


Randomized controlled clinical study evaluating effectiveness and safety of a volume-stable collagen matrix compared to autogenous connective tissue grafts for soft tissue augmentation at implant sites.

PMID: 27310522




AIM: To test whether or not the use of a collagen matrix (VCMX) results in short-term soft tissue volume increase at implant sites non-inferior to an autogenous subepithelial connective tissue graft (SCTG), and to evaluate safety and tissue integration of VCMX and SCTG.



METHODS: In 20 patients with a volume deficiency at single-tooth implant sites, soft tissue volume augmentation was performed randomly allocating VCMX or SCTG. Soft tissue thickness, patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs), and safety were assessed up to 90 days (FU-90). At FU-90 (abutment connection), tissue samples were obtained for histological analysis. Descriptive analysis was computed for both groups. Non-parametric tests were applied to test non-inferiority for the gain in soft tissue thickness at the occlusal site.


BL群とFU-90群の軟組織厚の中央値は、1.8mm(Q1:0.5; Q3:2.0)(VCMX群)(p=0.018)および0.5mm(-1.0; 2.0)(SCTG群)(p=0.395)(咬合部)および1.0mm(0.5; 2.0)(VCMX群)(p=0.074)および1.5mm(-2.0; 2.0)(SCTG群)(頬側)(p=0.563)増加した。非劣性マージンは1mmであり、非劣性は証明された(p=0.020)。咬合部位の2群間中央値の差(1.3mm)は、VCMXとSCTGの関連性はないが、有意な優越性は示されなかった(主要評価項目)。3日目までの鎮痛薬の消費量および知覚される痛みは、SCTG群で非有意的に高かった。7日目の身体的疼痛の中央値(OHIP-14)は、SCTG群がVCMX群より100%高かった。組織学的分析では、移植片はよく統合されていた。

RESULTS: Median soft tissue thickness increased between BL and FU-90 by 1.8 mm (Q1:0.5; Q3:2.0) (VCMX) (p = 0.018) and 0.5 mm (-1.0; 2.0) (SCTG) (p = 0.395) (occlusal) and by 1.0 mm (0.5; 2.0) (VCMX) (p = 0.074) and 1.5 mm (-2.0; 2.0) (SCTG) (p = 0.563) (buccal). Non-inferiority with a non-inferiority margin of 1 mm could be demonstrated (p = 0.020); the difference between the two group medians (1.3 mm) for occlusal sites indicated no relevant, but not significant superiority of VCMX versus SCTG (primary endpoint). Pain medication consumption and pain perceived were non-significantly higher in group SCTG up to day 3. Median physical pain (OHIP-14) at day 7 was 100% higher for SCTG than for VCMX. The histological analysis revealed well-integrated grafts.



CONCLUSIONS: Soft tissue augmentation at implant sites resulted in a similar or higher soft tissue volume increase after 90 days for VCMX versus SCTG. PROMs did not reveal relevant differences between the two groups.