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J Clin Periodontol.2016 Dec;43(12):1059-1073.

抗プラーク補助化学薬剤の有効性:Quigley and Heinプラーク指標のTuresky修正に関する系統的レビューおよびネットワークメタ解析

Efficacy of adjunctive anti-plaque chemical agents: a systematic review and network meta-analyses of the Turesky modification of the Quigley and Hein plaque index.

PMID: 27531174




AIM: The aim of this systematic review and network meta-analysis (NMA) was to compare the efficacy of different anti-plaque chemical agents, in 6-month, home-use, randomized clinical trials (RCTs), in terms of plaque index (PlI) changes.


PlIを評価したRCTを同定し、スクリーニングを行い、組み入れについて評価した。関連情報を抽出し、質とバイアスのリスクを評価した。ベースライン-エンド間の平均差を算出し、加重平均差および95%信頼区間を求めた。Turesky PlIを用いた製品間の直接的および間接的な比較を評価するためにNMAプロトコルを適用した。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: RCTs assessing PlI were identified, screened, and evaluated for inclusion. Relevant information was extracted, and quality and risk of bias were assessed. Mean differences between baseline-end were calculated to obtain weighted mean differences and 95% confidence intervals. NMA protocols were applied to assess direct and indirect comparisons among products using Turesky PlI.



RESULTS: Eighty-three papers were included: 49 examined dentifrices, 32 mouthrinses and 2 both. The NMA analysed 51 studies including data from 4242 and 4180 subjects for dentifrices and mouthrinses respectively. For dentifrices, triclosan-copolymer and chlorhexidine showed the greatest effect, with significant differences when compared with stannous fluoride. For mouthrinses, essential oils and chlorhexidine showed the greatest effect, with significant differences when compared with delmopinol, alexidine and cetylpyridinium chloride.



CONCLUSION: Within the limitations of this study (including the severe imbalance in the amount of evidence), dentifrices containing triclosan-copolymer or chlorhexidine and mouthrinses containing essential oils or chlorhexidine showed the greatest effect on PlI scores as assessed with NMA.