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Prog Orthod.2016 Dec;17(1):28.


Systematic review for orthodontic and orthopedic treatments for anterior open bite in the mixed dentition.

PMID: 27615261




BACKGROUND: The treatment options for the early treatment of anterior open bite are still controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the actual available evidence on treatments of anterior open bite in the mixed dentition in order to assess the effectiveness of the early treatment in reducing open bite, the most efficacious treatment strategy and the stability of the results.


2015年11月15日、以下のデータベースを用いて適切なMedical Subject Headings(MeSH)により文献調査を行った:PubMed、EMBASE、Cochrane Library、LILACS、VHL、WEB OF SCIENCE。無作為化臨床試験および対照群(治療群または未治療群)を有する研究は、2人の著者によって選択された。症候群または永久歯列の患者を含む臨床試験、および抜歯、完全固定装置、手術による治療に関する研究は考慮されなかった。最初の組み入れ基準を満たした抄録またはタイトル、あるいは即時除外のための十分な詳細がないものについては、完全な論文を検索した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature survey was done on November 15, 2015, by means of appropriate Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) using the following databases: PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, LILACS, VHL, and WEB OF SCIENCE. Randomized clinical trials and studies with a control group (treated or untreated) were then selected by two authors. Trials including patients with syndromes or in the permanent dentition and studies concerning treatment with extractions, full-fixed appliances, or surgery were not considered. Full articles were retrieved for abstracts or titles that met the initial inclusion criteria or lacked sufficient detail for immediate exclusion.



RESULTS: Two thousand five hundred sixty-nine studies about open bite were available; the search strategy selected 240 of them. Twenty-four articles have been judged suitably for the final review, and their relevant data were analyzed.



DISCUSSION: Although this review confirms the effectiveness of early treatment of open bite, particularly when no-compliance strategies are employed, meta-analysis was unfeasible due to lack of standardization, important methodological limitations, and shortcomings of the studies.



CONCLUSIONS: A more robust approach to trial design in terms of methodology and error analysis is needed. Besides, more studies with longer periods of follow-up are required.