White spot lesion remineralization by sugar-free chewing gum containing bio-available calcium and fluoride: A double-blind randomized controlled trial.
PMID: 27639827 DOI: 10.1016/j.jdent.2016.09.003.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the effect of chewing gum containing phosphoryl oligosaccharides of calcium (POs-Ca) and fluoride on white spot lesion (WSL) remineralization in comparison with POs-Ca or placebo (control) chewing gums, in double- blind, randomized, controlled trial.
本研究では、ICDASスコアが2または1のWSLを少なくとも1つ有する37名の健康な被験者を募集した。被験者は無作為に3つのグループ(対照群、POs-Ca群、POs-Ca+F群)に分けられ、それぞれのガムを1日3回、3ヵ月間噛み続けた。WSLはICDAS基準で,光干渉断層計(OCT)システムによる光学的境界深度(BD)は月1回のリコールで評価した。データはWilcoxon rank-sum testおよびWilcoxon signed rank testで分析し,有意水準0.05でBonferroni補正を行った。
METHODS: Thirty-seven healthy subjects, who had at least one WSL, with an ICDAS score of 2 or 1, were recruited for this study. The subjects were randomly divided into three groups (control, POs-Ca, POs-Ca+F) and chewed two slabs of each gum three times every day for 3 months. WSLs were assessed using ICDAS criteria and optical boundary depth (BD) by optical coherence tomography (OCT) system at a monthly recall. Data were analyzed by Wilcoxon rank-sum test and Wilcoxon signed rank test with Bonferroni corrections at 0.05 significance level.
RESULTS: Visual score changes from ICDAS score 2 to score 1 over the course of the study were observed; control (30%), POs-Ca (48%) and POs-Ca+F (45%). Unlike the control gum, chewing POs-Ca and POs-Ca+F gums resulted in significant changes in the mean value of BD over the 3 months course of the study (p<0.05). There was a significant difference in mean value of BD after first month between POs-Ca+F and control groups (p<0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: This study highlighted the importance of calcium and fluoride ion bioavailability in the reinforcement of demineralized enamel lesions by chewing gums. Furthermore, adding fluoride to POs-Ca might speed up the remineralization progress on natural WSL.
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