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J Prosthet Dent.2017 Mar;117(3):380-385.


Influence of implant number on the movement of mandibular implant overdentures.

PMID: 27677217




STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: The rotational movement of an implant overdenture (IOD) has a negative effect on the perceived masticatory ability of the denture wearer. However, the influence of implant number on the movement of IODs has not been investigated.



PURPOSE: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the denture movement of mandibular IODs anchored by different numbers of implants.


人工粘膜を装着した下顎無歯顎試験模型と実験用オーバーデンチャー5床(N=5)を作製した。本研究では、ブルーのナイロンインサートを用いたロケーターアタッチメントシステムを選択した。インプラントポジションは、前正中線(1-IOD)、両側側切歯部(2-IOD)、前正中線および両側犬歯部(3-IOD)の3種類を用意した。前歯部正中、左側犬歯部、左側前臼歯部、左側第一大臼歯部に50Nの垂直荷重をかけた。右遠位端における垂直変位と水平変位、および荷重点における垂直変位を測定した。変位値は、1元配置分散分析およびインプラント数を因 子としたポストホックTukey正直有意差検定を用いて統計学 的に分析した。さらに、オーバーデンチャー遠位端の垂直変位と水平変位の値は、一対のt検定を用いて統計的に比較し、オーバーデンチャー遠位端の垂直変位の値は、反復測定分散分析と荷重点を因子としたポストホックTukey正直有意差検定を用いて統計的に分析した(a=.05)。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: An edentulous mandibular test model with artificial mucosa and 5 experimental overdentures (N=5) was fabricated. The locator attachment system with blue nylon inserts was chosen for this study. Three implant positions were prepared: anterior midline (1-IOD), bilateral lateral incisor regions (2-IOD), and anterior midline and bilateral canine regions (3-IOD). Vertical loads of 50 N were applied to the mid-anterior region, the left canine region, the left premolar region, and the left first molar region. The vertical and horizontal displacements at the right distal edge and the vertical displacements at the loading point were measured. The displacement values were statistically analyzed using a 1-way analysis of variance and the post hoc Tukey honest significant difference test with the implant number as a factor. In addition, the values of the vertical and horizontal displacements at the distal edge of the overdenture were statistically compared using a paired t test, and the values of the vertical displacement at the distal edge of the overdenture were statistically analyzed by a repeated measures analysis of variance and the post hoc Tukey honest significance difference test with the loading point as a factor (a=.05).



RESULTS: Upon anterior loading, the 2-IOD showed significantly larger vertical displacements at the right distal edge than the 1-IOD or 3-IOD (P<.01). The horizontal displacements at the right distal edge were small compared with the vertical displacements at the same point, although the displacement of the 2-IOD was significantly larger than that of the 1-IOD upon anterior loading (P=.03). The magnitude of the vertical displacement at the loading point of the 2-IOD was significantly larger than that of the 3-IOD upon anterior loading (P<.01). No statistically significant differences were shown under the other conditions for each loading (P>.05).



CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of this in vitro study, the following conclusions were drawn: During mastication with the anterior teeth, the use of 2 implants for anchoring an IOD increased the rotation of the denture base more than the use of 1 or 3 implants. The horizontal movements of the IODs were small compared with the vertical movements. Denture movement under the occlusal force in the molar region was smaller than that in the anterior region.