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Dent Mater.2016 Dec;32(12):1575-1585.


Correlative analysis of cement-dentin interfaces using an interfacial fracture toughness and micro-tensile bond strength approach.

PMID: 27771139




OBJECTIVES: To determine the interfacial fracture toughness (iFT) and micro-tensile strength (μTBS) of composite cements bonded to dentin.


50個の長石セラミックブロック(Vita Mark II, Vita Zahnfabrik)を、2種類の自己接着型(G-CEM LinkAce, GC; SpeedCEM, Ivoclar Vivadent)、2種類の自己エッチング型(Multilink Primer & Multilink Automix, Ivoclar Vivadent; Scotchbond Universal & RelyX Ultimate, 3M ESPE)、および1種類のエッチング&リンス型(Excite F DSC & Variolink II, Ivoclar Vivadent)コンポジットセメントを用いて象牙質上にリューテイングした(n=10)。相対湿度100%、37℃で48時間放置した後、各歯の半分を、セメントと象牙質の界面にシェブロン・ノッチのある棒状に切り出し、4点曲げ試験装置(iFT)で試験した。残りの半分の歯は微小試験片に分割し、破断(μTBS)まで引張応力をかけた。破壊モードは実体顕微鏡を用いて50倍の倍率で決定した。データはワイブル分析とピアソンの相関(α=0.05)に供した。

METHODS: Fifty feldspar ceramic blocks (Vita Mark II, Vita Zahnfabrik) were luted onto dentin using two self-adhesive (G-CEM LinkAce, GC; SpeedCEM, Ivoclar Vivadent), two self-etch (Multilink Primer & Multilink Automix, Ivoclar Vivadent; Scotchbond Universal & RelyX Ultimate, 3 M ESPE), and one etch-and-rinse (Excite F DSC & Variolink II, Ivoclar Vivadent) composite cement (n=10). After 48h in 100% relative humidity at 37°C, one half of each tooth was sectioned in sticks with a chevron notch at the cement-dentin interface and tested in a 4-point bending test setup (iFT). The remaining half of the tooth was sectioned in micro-specimens and stressed in tension until failure (μTBS). The mode of failure was determined with a stereomicroscope at 50× magnification. Data were submitted to Weibull analysis and Pearson's correlation (α=0.05).



RESULTS: At 10% probability of failure, no significant differences could be found using iFT, while the etch-and-rinse composite cement Variolink II presented a significantly higher μTBS at this level. At 63.2% probability of failure, the self-adhesive composite cement G-CEM LinkAce revealed a significantly lower μTBS and iFT, and the self-etch cement Multilink Automix also revealed a significantly lower μTBS than all other cements. The correlation found between iFT and μTBS was moderate and not significant (r=0.618, p=0.11).



SIGNIFICANCE: Overall, the etch-and-rinse and 'universal' self-etch composite cements performed best. The micro-tensile bond strength and interfacial fracture toughness tests did not correlate well.