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Int Endod J.2017 Oct;50(10):976-982.


Effect of sonic and ultrasonic activation on organic tissue dissolution from simulated grooves in root canals using sodium hypochlorite and EDTA.

PMID: 27809342



次亜塩素酸ナトリウムによる軟組織の溶解を、EDTAの中間リンスを用いて、受動的超音波活性化(PUI)またはEndoactivator(EA)またはEddy tips(ED)を用いた音波活性化の有無で比較すること。

AIM: To compare soft-tissue dissolution by sodium hypochlorite, with an EDTA intermediate rinse, with or without activation with passive ultrasonic activation (PUI) or sonic activation using the Endoactivator (EA) or Eddy tips (ED).


83本のヒト上顎中切歯の根管を化学機械的に準備し、歯を分割した。根の半分に標準的な縦溝を形成した。ブタの口蓋粘膜サンプルを83個採取し、溝に適合させて重量を測定した。再組立された試料は、最終的なリンスに基づき、無作為に4つの実験群(n=20)に分けられた:活性化なし;EA;PUI;EDTA中間リンスを伴う2.5%次亜塩素酸ナトリウムを使用したED。対照群(n=3)は、活性化せずに蒸留水で灌流した。溶液はシリンジと作業長から2mmの針を用いて注入した。総灌流時間は150秒であり、各群の活性化の60秒を含む。試験は36±2℃で行った。ブタ口蓋粘膜サンプルは、アッセイ終了後に重量を測定した。グループ内およびグループ間の重量変化を評価するために、Student paired t-testおよびanovaを用いた。多重比較はBonferroni補正(α=0.05)を用いて評価した。

METHODOLOGY: The root canals of eighty-three human maxillary central incisors were chemo-mechanically prepared and the teeth split. A standardized longitudinal intracanal groove was created in one of the root halves. Eighty-three porcine palatal mucosa samples were collected, adapted to fit into the grooves and weighed. The re-assembled specimens were randomly divided into four experimental groups (n = 20), based on the final rinse: no activation; EA; PUI; ED, using 2.5% sodium hypochlorite, with an EDTA intermediate rinse. A control group (n = 3) was irrigated with distilled water without activation. The solutions were delivered using a syringe and needle 2 mm from working length. Total irrigation time was 150 s, including 60 s of activation in the specific groups. The study was carried out at 36 ± 2 °C. The porcine palatal mucosa samples were weighed after completion of the assays. Student paired t-test and anova were used to assess the intra- and intergroup weight changes. The multiple comparisons were evaluated using Bonferroni correction (α = 0.05).



RESULTS: Weight loss occurred in all experimental groups. Irrigant activation resulted in greater weight loss when compared to the nonactivated group [vs. EA (P = 0.001); vs. PUI (P < 0.001); vs. ED (P < 0.001)]. No significant differences were found amongst the different activation systems.



CONCLUSIONS: Activation increased the tissue-dissolving activity of irrigants from artificial grooves in root canals of maxillary central incisors.