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Medicine (Baltimore).2016 Nov;95(48):e5492.


Influence of oral health behavior and sociodemographic factors on remaining teeth in Korean adults: 2010-2012 Korea national health and nutrition examination survey.

PMID: 27902609


本研究では、社会人口統計学的変数、身体計測値、および口腔保健行動パターンに応じて残存歯の数と位置を分析した。この全国横断研究は、19歳以上の韓国の代表的成人36,026人を対象に行われた。データは、2012~2012年の韓国国民健康栄養調査(Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey)から得られた。女性は男性よりも1日に歯を磨く回数が多く、食後に歯を磨く傾向が強かった。教育水準または世帯収入が高いほど、残存歯数が有意に多かった;1日の歯磨き回数が残存歯数と正の相関があった;都市居住者は農村居住者よりも残存歯数が有意に多かった;高齢者は若年者よりも残存歯数が少なかった(すべてP<0.05)。参加者は、切歯(特に犬歯)を生涯維持する傾向が臼歯よりも強かった。切歯から第二小臼歯までは、上顎歯より下顎歯が多かったが、臼歯では下顎歯より上顎歯が多かった。世帯収入の低い小学校卒業者は、世帯収入の高い大学卒業者よりも残存歯数が少なかった(P < 0.0001)。最後に、社会経済的地位の高い参加者は、社会経済的地位の低い参加者と比較して、前歯よりも臼歯を失う可能性が高かった。1日に歯を磨く回数が少ない参加者、世帯収入および/または教育レベルが低い参加者、および農村地域に住む参加者は、韓国の成人において、他のグループよりも歯の喪失有病率が有意に高かった。また、下顎の前歯と前臼歯は多かったが、上顎の臼歯は多かった。さらに、社会経済的地位の高い参加者は、低い参加者に比べて、前歯よりも臼歯を失う可能性が高かった。

In this study, the number and location of remaining teeth were analyzed according to sociodemographic variables, anthropometric measurements, and oral health behavior patterns. The hypothesis was that the number and location of remaining teeth would be affected by oral health behavior and by sociodemographic factors, such as education levels, household income, and urban/rural residency.This nationwide cross-sectional study was performed with a total of 36,026 representative Korean adults aged 19 and older. The data were taken from the 2012-2012 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.Men had, on average, significantly more remaining teeth than women did. Women brushed their teeth more often than men per day and were more likely to brush their teeth after meals. The participants with higher education levels or household income had significantly more remaining teeth; the number of daily tooth brushing was positively associated with the number of remaining teeth; urban residents had significantly more remaining teeth than rural residents; and elderly adults had fewer remaining teeth than younger adults had (all with P < 0.05). The participants were more likely to retain their incisors (especially their canines) for their entire lifetimes than do so for their molars. From the incisors to the second premolars, they had more mandibular teeth than maxillary teeth, but among molars, they had more maxillary teeth than mandibular teeth. Elementary graduates with low household income had fewer remaining teeth than did university graduates with high household income (P < 0.0001). Finally, participants with high socioeconomic status were more likely to lose their molar teeth than anterior teeth compared to those with low socioeconomic status.The participants who brushed their teeth fewer times per day, those with low household incomes and/or education levels, and those who lived in rural districts had significantly higher prevalence of tooth loss than did other groups in Korean adults. Participants had more anterior and premolar teeth on mandible, but they had more molars on maxilla. In addition, participants with high socioeconomic status were more likely to lose their molar teeth than anterior teeth compared to those with low socioeconomic status.