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Hum Mov Sci.2017 Jan;51:82-90.


Effects of knee action phase and fatigue on Rectus Femoris and Biceps Femoris co-activation during the eggbeater kick.

PMID: 27918960



The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of knee extension/flexion and fatigue on muscle co-activation of the Rectus Femoris (RF) and Biceps Femoris (BF) during the eggbeater kick. Ten national level male water polo players executed eggbeater kicks at maximum effort for the duration of the test. The eggbeater kick cycle was divided into four phases (FLX1, FLX2, EXT1, EXT2). Surface electromyographs were recorded from RF and BF. EMG activity normalized to the maximum voluntary isometric contraction, muscle co-activation (CCI) and angular velocity (AV) of the right and left knee were calculated. Highest levels of RCCI and LCCI were observed during final phase of flexion (FLX2) and initial phase of extension (EXT1) (p<0.05). FLX2 and final phase of extension (EXT2) revealed the highest AV during the cycle. A decrease in CCI was observed with fatigue for FLX2 while AV was reduced for all phases. During the cycle RF and BF act as agonist/antagonist to accelerate and decelerate knee flexion/extension. The high AV and low CCI levels observed for EXT2 might increase joint instability and consequent risk of injury. This knowledge provides a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in stabilizing and controlling the knee during underwater movement.