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J Endod.2017 Jan;43(1):126-130.

模擬内部吸収窩洞からの水酸化カルシウム除去における XP-endo フィニッシャーファイルの有効性.

Efficacy of XP-endo Finisher File in Removing Calcium Hydroxide from Simulated Internal Resorption Cavity.

PMID: 27939736




INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of supplementary use of XP-endo Finisher file, passive ultrasonic activation (PUI), EndoActivator (EA), and CanalBrush (CB) on the removal of calcium hydroxide (CH) paste from simulated internal resorption cavities.


110本の単根の抜去歯の根管をサイズ50まで準備した。標本を縦割りにし、標準化した内部吸収窩をバーで作製した。窩洞と根管はCHペーストで充填した。検体は以下の 5 群に分けた:XP-endoフィニッシャー、EA、PUI、CB、シリンジ潅注(SI)の5群に分けた。根管にはそれぞれ5.25%NaOClと17%EDTAを2分間潅注した。SI群以外では、いずれの溶液も試験手技により1分間活性化した。吸収窩のCH残存量をスコア化した。データはKruskal-Wallis HおよびMann-Whitney U検定を用いて分析した。

METHODS: The root canals of 110 extracted single-rooted teeth with straight canals were prepared up to size 50. The specimens were split longitudinally, and standardized internal resorption cavities were prepared with burs. The cavities and root canals were filled with CH paste. The specimens were divided into 5 groups as follows: XP-endo Finisher, EA, PUI, CB, and syringe irrigation (SI). The root canals were irrigated with 5.25% NaOCl and 17% EDTA for 2 minutes, respectively. Apart from the SI group, both solutions were activated by using tested techniques for 1 minute. The quantity of CH remnants on resorption cavities was scored. Data were analyzed by using Kruskal-Wallis H and Mann-Whitney U tests.



RESULTS: XP-endo Finisher and PUI removed significantly more CH than SI, EA, and CB (P < .05), showing no significant difference between them (P > .05). Differences among SI, EA, and CB were also non-significant (P > .05).



CONCLUSIONS: None of the tested techniques render the simulated internal resorption cavities free of CH debris. XP-endo Finisher and PUI were superior to SI, CB, and EA.