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Clin Oral Investig.2017 Dec;21(9):2681-2687.


Canal cleanliness using different irrigation activation systems: a SEM evaluation.

PMID: 28185091




OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of different final irrigation activation methods in removing debris and smear layer in the apical, middle, and coronal portion of straight root canals.


下顎小臼歯58本の抜歯直管根管を用いた。根管サイズは40.06とした。灌流は3%次亜塩素酸ナトリウムを用いて行った。サンプルは、潅流の活性化方法によって4つのグループ(n=12)に分けられた:(A)手動潅流(MI)、(B)EndoActivator(EA)(Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland)、(C)音波活性化EDDY(EDDY; VDW, Munich, Germany)、および(D)受動的超音波潅流(PUI)。10歯は陰性対照とした。根を縦割りにし、管壁を走査型電子顕微鏡で観察した。歯冠レベル、中間レベル、先端レベルのデブリとスミア層の存在を5段階のスコアリングシステムで評価し、Kruskal-Wallis検定とカイ二乗検定を用いて統計的に分析した。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Straight root canals of 58 freshly extracted mandibular premolars were used. Root canals were prepared to size 40.06. Irrigation was performed using 3% sodium hypochlorite. Samples were divided into four equal groups (n = 12) according to the irrigation activation techniques: (A) manual irrigation (MI), (B) EndoActivator (EA) (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland), (C) sonic activation EDDY (EDDY; VDW, Munich, Germany), and (D) passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI). Ten teeth served as negative controls. Roots were split longitudinally, and the canal walls were subjected to scanning electron microscopy. The presence of debris and smear layer at coronal, middle, and apical levels were evaluated using a 5-point scoring system and statistically analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and chi-square tests.



RESULTS: Canal cleanliness decreased from coronal to apical (P = 0.035). Significantly more debris was removed with EA, EDDY, and PUI compared to MI (P < 0.001; total values), but no differences were observed in the different portions of the root canals (P > 0.05). Smear layer removal with PUI, EA, and EDDY was not significantly different (P > 0.05), but only EDDY and PUI were superior to MI (P < 0.01).



CONCLUSION: All activation methods created nearly debris-free canal walls and were superior compared to manual irrigation (P < 0.001). EDDY and PUI also showed significantly better smear layer scores compared to manual irrigation.



CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The sonic activation system EDDY performed equally as well as PUI, and both methods were significantly superior compared with manual irrigation in straight root canals with regard to debris and smear layer removal.