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J Endod.2017 Apr;43(4):633-637.


Dentinal Tubule Penetration of a Calcium Silicate-based Root Canal Sealer with Different Obturation Methods.

PMID: 28216267




INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to investigate the depths of penetration of a calcium silicate-based sealer in dentinal tubules by using 3 different obturation methods.



METHODS: One hundred extracted human permanent anterior teeth were endodontically prepared and divided equally into 3 experimental groups and 1 control group as follows: CPoint single cone (CPSC), gutta-percha single cone (GPSC), gutta-percha vertical condensation (GPVC), all with a calcium silicate-based sealer and calcium indicator Fluo-3, and CPoint single cone with a calcium indicator Fluo-3 (CPF3) without sealer as the control. The roots of the teeth in each group were axially cross-sectioned, and the surfaces were examined under confocal laser scanning microscopy at ×10 and ×20 magnifications. The sealer penetration depths were measured at their maximum depths and at 4 circumferential depths (12, 3, 6, and 9 o'clock) by using fluorescence.


一元配置分散分析および線形混合モデルを用いた反復測定分析による統計学的解析の結果、最大深度の平均値に統計学的有意差は認められなかった(CPSC, 283.83μm;GPSC:318.66μm;GPVC:313.03μm;P=.7553)、また3つの実験グループの全ポイントの平均深度(CPSC:111.24μm;GPSC:135.38μm;GPVC:126.62μm;P=.5304)においても、統計的に有意な差は認められなかった。

RESULTS: Statistical analyses by using one-way analysis of variance and repeated measures analysis with linear mixed models showed no statistically significant difference among the mean maximum depth measurements (CPSC, 283.83 μm; GPSC, 318.66 μm; and GPVC, 313.03 μm; P = .7553) and among the average depths across all points (CPSC, 111.24 μm; GPSC, 135.38 μm; and GPVC, 126.62 μm; P = .5304) for the 3 experimental groups.



CONCLUSIONS: The pressure derived from hygroscopic expansion of CPoint or warm vertical condensation did not enhance penetration depths of the calcium silicate-based sealer. Sealer penetration into the dentinal tubules occurred independent of the obturation technique.