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Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants.2017;32(2):401-407.


Effect of Maxillary Sinus Membrane Perforation on Implant Survival Rate: A Retrospective Study.

PMID: 28291857



この後方視的研究の目的は、無機質牛骨(ABB)のみを使用した増生時に 膜穿孔が生じた移植副鼻腔に埋入されたインプラントの生存率(ISR)を、臨床 検査およびX線検査によって評価することである。大きな膜穿孔から採取した5つの生検標本の組織学的情報も示す。

PURPOSE: The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate implant survival rates (ISRs) for implants placed in grafted sinuses where a membrane perforation occurred during augmentation using exclusively anorganic bovine bone (ABB) by means of clinical and radiographic examinations. Histologic information of five biopsy specimens taken from large membrane perforations is also presented.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: Consecutive patients who underwent sinus augmentation procedures at a private practice Dental Institute between 2004 and 2013 were collected from a computer database. The following profiles were selected for data analysis: computed tomography prior to treatment; perforated membrane information according to size: not perforated, small (≤ 5 mm), medium (> 5 and < 10 mm), or large (≥ 10 mm); sinuses grafted exclusively with ABB and lateral window covered with a collagen membrane (CM); and implant survival after at least 2 years of functional loading placed in augmented sinuses. Implants were considered survivals in the absence of infection, mobility, or pain.


このレトロスペクティブ研究のサンプルは531人の患者から構成され、214人が両側副鼻腔増大術を、317人が片側副鼻腔増大術を必要とした(合計=745副鼻腔)。合計1,588本のインプラントが埋入された。745個の副鼻腔を増大させたうち、237個(31.8%;523個のインプラント)が手術中に穿孔した。このうち、48の穿孔が大 (20.2%;107本のインプラント)、67の穿孔が中(28.3%;150本のインプラント)、 122の穿孔が小(51.5%;266本のインプラント)であった。穿孔した副鼻腔に埋入した523本のインプラントのうち、15本が紛失した(ISR=97.1%)。小(97.7%)、中(97.3%)、大(95.3%)の穿孔のISRと、非穿孔副鼻腔に埋入された1,065本のインプラント(ISR=97.7%)のISRの比較は、統計的に有意ではなかった。5つの生検標本の組織形態分析では、新生骨が24.52%±6.99%、骨髄腔が24.32%±6.42%、残存ABBが51.2%±3.75%であった。

RESULTS: The sample in this retrospective study comprised 531 patients; 214 required bilateral sinus augmentation, and 317 required unilateral sinus augmentation (total = 745 sinuses). A total of 1,588 implants were placed. From 745 augmented sinuses, 237 (31.8%; 523 implants) were perforated during the procedure. Among these, 48 perforations were large (20.2%; 107 implants), 67 (28.3%; 150 implants) were medium, and 122 were small (51.5%; 266 implants). Of 523 implants placed in perforated sinuses, 15 were lost (ISR = 97.1%). Comparison of the ISRs for small (97.7%), medium (97.3%), and large (95.3%) perforations with 1,065 implants placed in nonperforated sinuses (ISR = 97.7%) was not statistically significant. The histomorphometric analysis of the five biopsy specimens showed 24.52% ± 6.99% of new bone, 24.32% ± 6.42% of marrow space, and 51.2% ± 3.75% of the remaining ABB.


穿孔洞と非穿孔洞に埋入されたインプラントのISRの差は、統計的 に有意ではなかった。組織学的データの範囲内で、大きな穿孔がある副鼻腔の新生骨 率が24.52%±6.99%という組織形態学的結果は、文献に記載された非穿孔副鼻腔と 同様の骨形成を示した。著者らは、この研究で穿孔のある副鼻腔で示された高いISRは、穿孔の適切な管理によるものであるとした。

CONCLUSION: The difference in ISR for implants placed in perforated and nonperforated sinuses was not statistically significant. Within the limits of the histologic data, histomorphometric results with 24.52% ± 6.99% of new bone formation in sinuses with large perforations showed similar bone formation compatible with nonperforated sinuses described in the literature. The authors attributed the high ISR shown in perforated sinuses in this study to the proper management of the perforations.