Comparison of Periodontal Parameters and Self-Perceived Oral Symptoms Among Cigarette Smokers, Individuals Vaping Electronic Cigarettes, and Never-Smokers.
PMID: 28644108
BACKGROUND: To the authors' knowledge, there are no studies that have compared periodontal parameters and self-perceived oral symptoms (OSs) among cigarette smokers (CSs) (group 1), individuals exclusively vaping electronic cigarettes (group 2), and never-smokers (NSs) (group 3). The aim of this study is to assess periodontal parameters and self-perceived OSs among vaping individuals, CSs, and NSs.
男性被験者 94 名(グループ 1、2、3:それぞれ 33 名、31 名、30 名)を対象とした。質問票により、人口統計データ、自己認識OS、VAPEおよび喫煙の継続時間と1日頻度を収集した。プラーク指数(PI),プロービング出血(BOP),プロービングデプス(PD)4mm以上,臨床的付着力喪失(AL)を測定し,デジタルX線写真で全歯周囲の辺縁骨喪失(MBL)を測定した.また,欠損歯数(MT)も記録した.OSについてはオッズ比を算出し,歯周病パラメータは分散分析およびボンフェローニ・ポストホック検定を使用して評価した.P<0.05を統計的に有意とした.
METHODS: Ninety-four male participants (groups 1, 2, and 3: 33, 31, and 30 individuals, respectively) were included. Demographic data, self-perceived OSs, and duration and daily frequency of vaping and smoking were gathered using a questionnaire. Full-mouth plaque index (PI), bleeding on probing (BOP), probing depth (PD) ≥4 mm, and clinical attachment loss (AL) were measured; marginal bone loss (MBL) around all teeth was measured on digital radiographs. Numbers of missing teeth (MT) were also recorded. Odds ratios were calculated for OSs, and periodontal parameters were assessed using analysis of variance and Bonferroni post hoc tests. P <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
PI(P <0.01)およびPD≧4mm(P <0.01)は1群、2群で3群より有意に高く、BOPは3群で1群(P <0.01)、2群(P <0.01)より有意に高かった。MTの数,臨床的AL,MBLには全群で差がなかった.歯肉の痛みは,1群では2群(P<0.01)および3群(P<0.01)に比べて多く報告された.
RESULTS: PI (P <0.01) and PD ≥4 mm (P <0.01) were significantly higher in groups 1 and 2 than in group 3. BOP was significantly higher in group 3 than in groups 1 (P <0.01) and 2 (P <0.01). There was no difference in number of MT, clinical AL, and MBL among all groups. Gingival pain was more often reported by individuals in group 1 than by individuals in groups 2 (P <0.01) and 3 (P <0.01).
CONCLUSION: Periodontal inflammation and self-perceived OSs were poorer among CSs than among vaping individuals and NSs.