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J Clin Dent.2017 Jun;28(2):1-8.


Randomized Controlled Trial to Explore the Effect of Experimental Low Abrasivity Dentifrices on Enamel Gloss and Smoothness, and the Build-up of Extrinsic Tooth Stain.

PMID: 28657699




OBJECTIVES: To evaluate and compare examiner-assessed changes in enamel gloss, extrinsic dental stain, and surface smoothness following one, two, four, and eight weeks of twice-daily use of an experimental low abrasivity desensitizing dentifrice (relative dentin abrasivity [RDA] ~40) containing 5% sodium tripolyphosphate (STP) chemical cleaning agent and 1% aluminum trioxide abrasive. This was compared with an ultra-low abrasivity dentifrice (5% STP only; RDA ~13), a moderate abrasivity fluoride dentifrice (RDA ~80), and a higher abrasivity marketed whitening dentifrice (RDA ~142).


本試験は、光沢スコアと年齢で層別化した健康成人を対象とした、単施設、試験官盲検、無作為化、対照、並行群間試験であった。従来のシリカ研磨剤入り歯磨剤による洗浄期間の後、被験者はデンタルスケールとポリッシュを受け、治療群に無作為に割り付けられた。被験者は1日2回、指定された歯磨剤で2分間歯を磨いた。エナメル質の光沢は、上顎切歯の顔面をSturzenberger光沢基準と比較することにより視覚的に評価した。歯面外ステインは、Macpherson修正Lobene Stain Index(MLSI)を用いて前歯12本(歯面および舌側)のステインを測定した。歯の平滑性は、中切歯のシリコン印象の走査型電子顕微鏡(SEM)分析を用いて評価した。

METHODS: This was a single-center, examiner-blind, randomized, controlled, parallel group study in healthy adults stratified by gloss score and age. Following a washout period with a conventional silica abrasive dentifrice, subjects received a dental scale and polish and were randomized to treatment. Subjects brushed their teeth for two minutes, twice daily, with their assigned dentifrice. Enamel gloss was assessed visually by comparing the facial surfaces of the maxillary incisors to the Sturzenberger gloss standards. Extrinsic dental stain was measured on the 12 anterior teeth (facial and lingual) using the Macpherson modification of the Lobene Stain Index (MLSI). Tooth smoothness was assessed using scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis of a silicone impression of the central incisors.


スクリーニングされた120人の被験者のうち、95人が無作為に割り付けられた。低研磨性の三酸化アルミニウム/STP歯磨剤を使用した被験者は、すべての時点においてベースラインより統計的に有意(p < 0.05)に表面光沢が向上し、2週目から他のすべての試験歯磨剤と比較して有意な治療効果が認められた(p < 0.05)。歯のステインに関しては、低研磨性歯磨剤群は治療後の各時点でステインスコアが最も低く、2週目(p<0.05)および8週目(p<0.01)において、すべての試験用歯磨剤と比較して統計学的に有意にステインが少なかった。歯の滑らかさについては、8週目において、中程度の研磨性を有する歯磨剤を除き、ほとんどの治療群でベースラインと比較して統計学的に有意な表面の滑らかさの増加が観察された(p<0.05)。

RESULTS: Of 120 screened subjects, 95 were randomized to the study. Subjects using the low abrasivity aluminum trioxide/STP dentifrice demonstrated statistically significant (p < 0.05) and increasing improvements in surface gloss over baseline at all time points, with a significant treatment effect compared to all other study dentifrices from Week 2 (p < 0.05). With respect to dental stain, the low abrasivity dentifrice group had the lowest stain score at each post-treatment time point and demonstrated statistically significantly less stain compared to all study dentifrices at Weeks 2 (p < 0.05) and 8 (p < 0.01). For tooth smoothness, at Week 8, statistically significant increases in surface smoothness were observed for most treatment groups compared to baseline (p < 0.05), except for the moderate abrasivity dentifrice.



CONCLUSIONS: This study shows the benefit of a low abrasivity dentifrice containing STP and aluminum trioxide in reducing stain build-up and increasing tooth gloss compared to a non-alumina ultra-low abrasivity STP-containing dentifrice, and moderate and high abrasivity dentifrices, over an eight-week period.