All-ceramic inlay-retained fixed dental prostheses for replacing posterior missing teeth: A systematic review.
PMID: 28735678
PURPOSE: To evaluate the current status of all-ceramic inlay-retained fixed dental prostheses (CIR-FDPs) for the replacement of posterior teeth.
タイトルと抄録のスクリーニング、組み入れ適格性のための全文分析、質の評価、データ抽出、科学的根拠の評価は、2名の査読者が独立して行った。電子データベースであるMEDLINE/PubMed、EMBASE、Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials、およびCompludocを、出版日や言語の制限なく検索した。研究の質は、オリジナルの「QDP」(「歯科補綴物に関する論文を選択するための質問票」)(研究論文用)、Evidence-Based Medicine Working Groupの「概説を管理するためのガイドライン」(総説用)、Cochrane risk of bias tool、および科学的証拠を評定するためのGRADE尺度を用いて評価した。
STUDY SELECTION: Screening of titles and abstracts, full-text analysis for inclusion eligibility, quality assessment, data extraction and evaluation of the scientific evidence were performed independently by two reviewers. The electronic databases MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Compludoc were searched with no restriction to publication date or language. The quality of the studies was evaluated through: the original 'QDP' ('Questionnaire for selecting articles on Dental Prostheses') (for research papers); the 'Guidelines for managing overviews' of the Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group (for reviews); the Cochrane risk of bias tool; and the GRADE scale for grading scientific evidence.
RESULTS: This review started with 4942 articles, which were narrowed down to 23 according to the selection criteria. The data was not statistically treated because of the heterogeneity of the studies. Zirconia-based CIR-FDPs may be recommended for restoring posterior single missing teeth, although the prosthesis/tooth bonded interface has yet to be improved. The addition of lateral wings to the classical inlay preparation seems promising. The weakest parts of CIR-FDPs are the connectors and retainers, while caries and endodontic problems are the most common biological complications. The fabrication of CIR-FDPs with monolithic zirconia may eliminate chipping problems.
CONCLUSIONS: A three-unit CIR-FDP is a viable treatment option for replacing a posterior missing tooth. Appropriate case selection, abutment preparation and luting procedures may be decisive for clinical success.