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BMC Oral Health.2017 Sep;17(1):124.


The complete digital workflow in fixed prosthodontics: a systematic review.

PMID: 28927393




BACKGROUND: The continuous development in dental processing ensures new opportunities in the field of fixed prosthodontics in a complete virtual environment without any physical model situations. The aim was to compare fully digitalized workflows to conventional and/or mixed analog-digital workflows for the treatment with tooth-borne or implant-supported fixed reconstructions.


2016-09-16までの電子検索(MEDLINE、EMBASE、Google Scholar)と手動検索を併用し、固定式補綴における完全デジタルワークフローを調査したRCTのうち、経済性、審美性、または患者中心の転帰を調査したものに焦点を当て、追跡調査または生存率/成功率分析、および機能下で少なくとも1年間の合併症評価を行った有無を問わず、PICO戦略を実施した。検索戦略は、MeSH-Termsと不特定のフリーテキストワードから組み立てた:(「歯科補綴物」[MeSH]) OR ( 「クラウン」[MeSH]) OR ( 「歯科補綴物、インプラント支持」[MeSH]))。OR ((クラウン) OR (固定式歯科補綴) OR (固定式再建) OR (歯科ブリッジ) OR (インプラントクラウン) OR (インプラント補綴) OR (インプラント修復) OR (インプラント再建))})。AND {("Computer-Aided Design" [MeSH]) OR ((digital workflow) OR (digital technology) OR (computerized dentistry) OR (intraoral scan) OR (digital impression) OR (scanbody) OR (virtual design) OR (digital design) OR (cad/cam) OR (rapid prototyping) OR (monolithic) OR (full-contour))}.AND {("Dental Technology" [MeSH] OR ((conventional workflow) OR (lost-wax-technique) OR (porcelain-fused-to-metal) OR (PFM) OR (implant impression) OR (hand-layering) OR (veneering) OR (framework))}.AND {(("Study, Feasibility" [MeSH]) OR ("Survival" [MeSH]) OR ("Success" [MeSH]) OR ("Economics" [MeSH]) OR ("Costs, Cost Analysis" [MeSH]) OR ("Esthetics, Dental" [MeSH]) OR ("Patient Satisfaction" [MeSH]))OR ((実現可能性) OR (効率性) OR (患者中心の結果))}。選択された研究におけるバイアスのリスク評価は、コクラン共同研究ツールを用いて、ランダム配列の作成、割り付け隠蔽、盲検化、結果データの完全性、選択的報告、その他のバイアスを含む「試験レベル」で行われた。1つ以上の主要な領域でバイアスのリスクが高いか不明確な場合は、バイアスリスクの判定が下された。システマティックレビューの正式な登録は行われなかった。

METHODS: A PICO strategy was executed using an electronic (MEDLINE, EMBASE, Google Scholar) plus manual search up to 2016-09-16 focusing on RCTs investigating complete digital workflows in fixed prosthodontics with regard to economics or esthetics or patient-centered outcomes with or without follow-up or survival/success rate analysis as well as complication assessment of at least 1 year under function. The search strategy was assembled from MeSH-Terms and unspecific free-text words: {(("Dental Prosthesis" [MeSH]) OR ("Crowns" [MeSH]) OR ("Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported" [MeSH])) OR ((crown) OR (fixed dental prosthesis) OR (fixed reconstruction) OR (dental bridge) OR (implant crown) OR (implant prosthesis) OR (implant restoration) OR (implant reconstruction))} AND {("Computer-Aided Design" [MeSH]) OR ((digital workflow) OR (digital technology) OR (computerized dentistry) OR (intraoral scan) OR (digital impression) OR (scanbody) OR (virtual design) OR (digital design) OR (cad/cam) OR (rapid prototyping) OR (monolithic) OR (full-contour))} AND {("Dental Technology" [MeSH) OR ((conventional workflow) OR (lost-wax-technique) OR (porcelain-fused-to-metal) OR (PFM) OR (implant impression) OR (hand-layering) OR (veneering) OR (framework))} AND {(("Study, Feasibility" [MeSH]) OR ("Survival" [MeSH]) OR ("Success" [MeSH]) OR ("Economics" [MeSH]) OR ("Costs, Cost Analysis" [MeSH]) OR ("Esthetics, Dental" [MeSH]) OR ("Patient Satisfaction" [MeSH])) OR ((feasibility) OR (efficiency) OR (patient-centered outcome))}. Assessment of risk of bias in selected studies was done at a 'trial level' including random sequence generation, allocation concealment, blinding, completeness of outcome data, selective reporting, and other bias using the Cochrane Collaboration tool. A judgment of risk of bias was assigned if one or more key domains had a high or unclear risk of bias. An official registration of the systematic review was not performed.



RESULTS: The systematic search identified 67 titles, 32 abstracts thereof were screened, and subsequently, three full-texts included for data extraction. Analysed RCTs were heterogeneous without follow-up. One study demonstrated that fully digitally produced dental crowns revealed the feasibility of the process itself; however, the marginal precision was lower for lithium disilicate (LS2) restorations (113.8 μm) compared to conventional metal-ceramic (92.4 μm) and zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) crowns (68.5 μm) (p < 0.05). Another study showed that leucite-reinforced glass ceramic crowns were esthetically favoured by the patients (8/2 crowns) and clinicians (7/3 crowns) (p < 0.05). The third study investigated implant crowns. The complete digital workflow was more than twofold faster (75.3 min) in comparison to the mixed analog-digital workflow (156.6 min) (p < 0.05). No RCTs could be found investigating multi-unit fixed dental prostheses (FDP).



CONCLUSIONS: The number of RCTs testing complete digital workflows in fixed prosthodontics is low. Scientifically proven recommendations for clinical routine cannot be given at this time. Research with high-quality trials seems to be slower than the industrial progress of available digital applications. Future research with well-designed RCTs including follow-up observation is compellingly necessary in the field of complete digital processing.