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Dent Mater.2017 Dec;33(12):1392-1401.


Effect of luting agent on the load to failure and accelerated-fatigue resistance of lithium disilicate laminate veneers.

PMID: 29079354




OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the luting agent on the application of laminate veneers (LVs) in an accelerated fatigue and load-to-failure test after thermo-cyclic aging.


健全な上顎中切歯(N=40)を無作為に4群に分け、接着剤で接着したLV(LiSiO)を装着した:CEMF群:接着性セメント(バリオリンクエステティックLC)、疲労試験;CEMLF群:接着性セメント、荷重-破壊試験;COMF群:レジン複合材料(エナメルHFO)、疲労試験;COMLF群:レジン複合材料、荷重-破壊試験。試験片は、熱機械的時効処理(1.2×10サイクル、1.7Hz/50N、8000サイクル、5-55℃)の後、加速疲労(5Hz、500サイクルごとに25N増加)または破壊荷重(1mm/分)のいずれかに供した。故障タイプを分類し、カイ二乗、Kaplan Meier生存率、対数順位(Mantel-Cox)、および独立標本のt検定を用いてデータを分析した。

METHODS: Sound maxillary central incisors (N=40) were randomly divided into four groups to receive LVs (LiSiO) that were adhesively bonded: Group CEMF: Adhesive cement (Variolink Esthetic LC), fatigue test; Group CEMLF: Adhesive cement, load-to-failure test; Group COMF: Resin composite (Enamel HFO), fatigue test; Group COMLF: Resin composite, load-to-failure test. The specimens were thermo-mechanically aged (1.2×10 cycles at 1.7Hz/50N, 8000 cycles 5-55°C) and then subjected to either accelerated fatigue (5Hz, 25N increasing after each 500 cycles) or load to failure (1mm/min). Failure types were classified and data analyzed using chi-square, Kaplan Meier survival, Log Rank (Mantel-Cox) and independent-samples t-test.


熱機械的老化後、耐破壊性(p<0.000)は複合材群で高かった。Kaplan Meier生存率は、複合材群(平均荷重:1165N、平均サイクル:22.595)とセメント群(平均荷重:762.5N、平均サイクル:14.569)の間に有意差(p<0.001)を示した。破断までの荷重試験(セメント群M=629.4N, SD±212.82、複合材群M=927.59N, SD±261.06)でも同様の違いが観察された;t(18)=-2.80, p=0.01。破折の種類は、CEMF群では破折とチッピングであったが、その他の群では主に合着材とラミネートベニアとの接着破折であった。

RESULTS: After thermo-mechanical aging, fracture resistance (p<0.000) was higher in the composite groups. Kaplan Meier survival rates showed significant difference (p<0.001) between the composite (mean load: 1165N; mean cycles: 22.595) and the cement groups (mean load: 762.5N; mean cycles: 14.569). The same differences were observed in the load to failure test (cement M=629.4N, SD±212.82 and composite M=927.59N, SD±261.06); t (18)=-2.80, p=0.01. Failure types were observed as fractures and chipping in group CEMF, all other groups were predominantly adhesive failures between the luting agent and the laminate veneer.



SIGNIFICANCE: The delivery of laminate veneers using a direct restorative composite rather than a resin cement resulted in significantly less chipping and fractures, higher fracture strength in both accelerated fatigue and load-to-failure.