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Clin Oral Investig.2018 Jul;22(6):2187-2197.


Effect of flapless ridge preservation with two different alloplastic materials in sockets with buccal dehiscence defects-volumetric and linear changes.

PMID: 29280075




OBJECTIVE: To test whether or not one out of two alloplastic materials used for ridge preservation (RP) is superior to the other in terms of volumetric and linear ridge changes over time.


16頭の成犬ビーグル犬を用い、P3とP4の遠位歯根を抜歯し、頬側骨板の50%を除去した。隆起の保存は、2つの異なる可塑性骨移植代替物(ハイドロキシアパタイト(HA)60%、β-リン酸三カルシウム(ß-TCP)40%からなる二相性リン酸カルシウム粒子(ポリ乳酸-コ-グリコール酸(PLGA)コーティング=試験1)、(HA60%、ß-TCP40%からなる二相性リン酸カルシウム=試験2)および吸収性コラーゲン膜、または対照群(偽薬)を用いて無作為に行った。抜歯は3つの時点(4、8、16週後)で行った。抜歯前、RP後、犠牲時に印象採得を行い、体積変化を評価した。多元配置分散分析(multi-way ANOVA)が計算され、部分II型F検定が行われた。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 16 adult beagle dogs, the distal roots of P3 and P4 were extracted and 50% of the buccal bone plate removed. Ridge preservation was performed randomly using two different alloplastic bone grafting substitutes (poly lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) coated biphasic calcium phosphate particles consisting of 60% hydroxyapatite (HA) and 40% beta-tricalcium phosphate (ß-TCP=test 1), (a biphasic calcium phosphate consisting 60% HA and 40% ß-TCP=test 2) and a resorbable collagen membrane or a control group (sham). Sacrifice was performed at three time-points (4, 8, 16 weeks later). Impressions were taken before extraction, after RP, and at sacrifice, allowing for assessment of volumetric changes. A multi-way ANOVA was computed, and partial Type-II F tests were performed.


いずれのリッジ温存法も、自然治癒と比較して容積の減少を最小限に抑えた。抜歯前と抜歯後の頬側容積変化の中央値は、テスト1が-1.76mm(Q1=-2.56; Q3=-1.42)、テスト2が-1.62mm(Q1=-2.06; Q3=-1.38)、コントロールが-2.42mm(Q1=-2.63; Q3=-2.03)であった。リッジ幅の平均値は、テスト1(-2.51mm;Q1=-3.25;Q3=-1.70)とテスト2(-2.04mm;Q1=-3.82;Q3=-1.81)の間には統計学的有意差は認められなかったが(p=0.813)、テストとコントロールの間には有意差が認められた(-3.85mm;Q1=-5.02;Q3=-3.27)(p=0.003)。

RESULTS: Both ridge preservation procedures minimized the volume loss compared to spontaneous healing. The median buccal volume changes between pre-extraction and sacrifice were - 1.76 mm (Q1 = - 2.56; Q3 = - 1.42) for test 1, - 1.62 mm (Q1 = - 2.06; Q3 = - 1.38) for test 2, and - 2.42 mm (Q1 = - 2.63; Q3 = - 2.03) for control. The mean ridge width measurements did not show statistically significant differences between test 1 (- 2.51 mm; Q1 = - 3.25; Q3 = - 1.70) and test 2 (- 2.04 mm; Q1 = - 3.82; Q3 = - 1.81) (p = 0.813), but between test and control (- 3.85 mm; Q1 = - 5.02; Q3 = - 3.27) (p = 0.003).



CONCLUSIONS: Both RP techniques were successful in maintaining the buccal contour from pre-extraction to sacrifice to a similar extent and more favorable compared to spontaneous healing.



CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Alloplastic materials can successfully be used for RP procedures.