Assessment of Ions released from Three Types of Orthodontic Brackets immersed in Different Mouthwashes: An in vitro Study.
PMID: 29358538
AIM: Herbs are used widely in medicine. The purpose of the present study was to assess the ion release from gold-plated orthodontic bracket compared with other stainless steel brackets, and based on the findings of the study, the orthodontists can choose the most biocompatible brackets and mouthwashes useful in the clinical practice.
米国Orthotechnology™ Company社製の歯科矯正用ブラケット計150個(ステンレス製ワンピースブラケット50個,ステンレス製ツーピースブラケット50個,ゴールドブラケット50個)を,蒸留水に加えて4種類のマウスウォッシュに浸漬した。各メディアのブラケットをそれぞれ10個ずつ,37℃の環境下で45日間浸漬した。これらの洗口液中に放出されたイオンを測定し,異なるブラケットタイプ間および各種洗口液間の比較を一元配置分散分析(ANOVA)およびGames-Howell検定で行った。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 150 orthodontic brackets from Orthotechnology™ Company, USA (50 stainless steel one-piece brackets, 50 stainless steel two-piece brackets, and 50 gold brackets) were immersed in four mouthwashes in addition to distilled water. Ten of each type of brackets in every media were immersed under 37°C for 45 days. Ions released in these mouthwashes were measured, and comparisons among different bracket types and among various mouthwashes were done by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and then with Games-Howell tests.
RESULTS: Increased amounts of ions released in herbal mouth-washes were recorded in gold and two-piece brackets in comparison with one-piece stainless steel brackets.
CONCLUSION: Herbal mouthwashes must be used with caution as they showed an increased amount of ions released in comparison with chlorhexidine. One-piece stainless steel bracket system is the most compatible bracket type, as they released the least amount of ions.
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: One-piece stainless steel brackets are better than two-piece brackets in terms of ions released.