Upper eyelid abscess as a late complication of frontal sinus trauma.
PMID: 29450319
The authors report a case of upper eyelid abscess in a 30 year old male that presented in the ophthalmology department with complains of recurrent eyelid pyosis, hyperaemia and swelling that started 2 months earlier and that did not ease to repeated courses of antibiotic therapy. The reported history of the patient revealed frontal sinus trauma that occurred 5 years before and that required surgical treatment (fixation with titan plaque and screws) with total healing and giving no further complains over the next years. The present cranial CT imaging showed intraorbital fat infiltration with displacement of one orbital arcade screw. Clinical findings showed normal ocular mobility. Antibiotic treatment and screw extraction through eyelid fistula improved the outcome but did not resolve the fistulous communication. Final management involved surgical removal of orbital arcade plaque and remaining screw and excision of fistula tract. The postoperative outcome was very good and the fistula remained closed but left the patient with an upper eyelid retraction which will require oculoplastic surgery in the future.