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J Endod.2018 May;44(5):800-805.


The Effects of Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation Design on the Fracture Strength of Endodontically Treated Teeth: Traditional Versus Conservative Preparation.

PMID: 29571907



本研究の目的は、従来の歯内療法用窩洞(TEC)と保存的歯内療法用窩洞(CEC)を用いて作製し、SDR(Dentsply Caulk、Milford、DE)およびEverX Posterior(GCデンタル、東京、日本)のベースコンポジット材を用いて修復した下顎大臼歯の破折強度を比較することである。

INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to compare the fracture strengths of mandibular molar teeth prepared using traditional endodontic cavity (TEC) and conservative endodontic cavity (CEC) methods and restored using SDR (Dentsply Caulk, Milford, DE) and EverX Posterior (GC Dental, Tokyo, Japan) base composite materials.


100本の下顎第一大臼歯を無作為に5群に分けた。第1群(コントロール群)では、サンプルはそのまま保存した。第2群ではTECを作製し、EverX Posteriorとコンポジットレジンで修復した。第3群ではCECを作製し、EverX Posteriorとコンポジットレジンで修復した。第4群ではTECを作製し、SDRとコンポジットレジンで修復した。第5群では、CECを作製し、SDRとコンポジットレジンで修復した。この荷重を,6 mmのラウンドヘッドチップを用いて1 mm/minの速度で破折するまで試料に負荷した.破折に至る力はニュートン単位で記録した.データはKruskal-WallisおよびPearson相関検定を用いて有意水準5%で分析した。

METHODS: A hundred mandibular first molar teeth were randomly divided into 5 groups. In group 1 (the control group), samples were kept intact. In group 2, TECs were prepared, and the samples were restored with EverX Posterior and composite resin. In group 3, CECs were prepared, and the samples were restored with EverX Posterior and composite resin. In group 4, TECs were prepared, and the samples were restored with SDR and composite resin. In group 5, CECs were prepared, and the samples were restored with SDR and composite resin. This load was applied on the samples at 1-mm/min speed using a 6-mm round-head tip until fracture. The forces resulting in fracture were recorded in newton units. The data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Pearson correlation tests at a 5% significance level.



RESULTS: The fracture strengths of the samples in the control group were significantly higher than the experimental groups (P < .05). There was no statistically significant difference in the endodontic access cavities prepared used the TEC and CEC methods and restored using the same composite base material (P > .05).


CEC法は、TEC法と比較してクラスII窩洞を有する歯の破折強度を増加させなかった。SDRバルクフィルコンポジットで修復した歯の破折強度は、EverX Posteriorで修復した歯の破折強度よりも高かった。

CONCLUSIONS: CEC preparation did not increase the fracture strength of teeth with class II cavities compared with TEC preparation. The fracture strength of teeth restored with the SDR bulk-fill composite was higher than that of teeth restored with EverX Posterior.