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J Endod.2018 Jun;44(6):941-945.


Clinical Outcome of Non-Surgical Root Canal Treatment Using a Single-cone Technique with Endosequence Bioceramic Sealer: A Retrospective Analysis.

PMID: 29606401



根管治療における重要なステップの1つは、根管システムを良好に封鎖することである。エンドシーケンスBCシーラー(BC; Brasseler USA, Savannah, GA)にはいくつかの有益な特性があるため、開業医の武器として取り入れられている。これまで、BCを使用した場合の臨床的成功を評価した研究はない。本研究の目的は、シングルコーンおよびBCテクニックを用いた非外科的根管治療の結果を評価し、成功または失敗に関連する因子を特定することである。

INTRODUCTION: One of the important steps in root canal treatment is to create a well-sealed root canal system. EndoSequence BC Sealer (BC; Brasseler USA, Savannah, GA) has several beneficial properties and thus has been incorporated into the practitioner's armamentarium. No studies to date have evaluated the clinical success of using BC. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the outcome of nonsurgical root canal treatment using a single-cone and BC technique and to identify factors associated with success or failure.



METHODS: This retrospective cohort study included patients treated in a private practice environment between 2009 and 2015. All cases, including initial and retreatment, were obturated with BC using a single-cone technique with a minimum of a 1-year recall. Patient and treatment factors were analyzed to determine their significance as prognostic factors. Outcome was evaluated based on clinical and radiographic findings at recall. Teeth were classified as healed, healing (success), or not healed (failure). Statistical analysis of potential prognostic factors was performed using the chi-square test (α = 0.05).



RESULTS: Three hundred seven teeth were included in the analysis, and the average follow-up time was 30.1 months. The overall success rate was 90.9%. Lesions <5 mm in diameter had a significantly higher success rate than lesions >5 mm in diameter. Sealer extrusion was observed in 47.4% of the cases. The presence of sealer extrusion did not have any significant effect on the treatment outcome.



CONCLUSIONS: BC used with a single-cone technique is a viable option for obturation.