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Dent Mater.2018 Jun;34(6):e138-e147.


Clinical evaluation of the bulk fill composite QuiXfil in molar class I and II cavities: 10-year results of a RCT.

PMID: 29636239



このRCTの目的は、臼歯部単面または多面窩洞におけるQuiXfilの10年間の臨床成績をTetric Ceramと比較することである。

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this RCT was to compare the 10-year clinical performance of QuiXfil with that of Tetric Ceram in posterior single- or multi-surface cavities.


46本のQuiXfil (Xeno III)と50本のTetric Ceram (Syntac classic)コンポジットレストレーションを第一大臼歯または第二大臼歯の応力がかかるクラスI 14本とクラスII 82本の窩洞に埋入した。ベースライン時と最長10年後に、修正米国公衆衛生局基準を用いて臨床評価を行った。最終リコール期間において、応力がかかるクラスIの窩洞11本とクラスIIの窩洞45本に埋入されたQuiXfil修復物26本とTetric Ceram修復物30本を評価した。

METHODS: 46 QuiXfil (Xeno III) and 50 Tetric Ceram (Syntac classic) composite restorations were placed in 14 stress bearing class I and 82 class II cavities in first or second molars. Clinical evaluation was performed at baseline and after up to 10 years by using modified US Public Health Service criteria. At the last recall period, 26 QuiXfil and 30 Tetric Ceram restorations in 11 stress bearing class I and 45 class II cavities, were assessed.



RESULTS: Ten failed restorations were observed during the follow-up period, four Tetric Ceram restorations failed due to secondary caries (2), tooth fracture (1) and bulk fracture combined with secondary caries (1) whereas six QuiXfil restorations failed due to secondary caries (1), tooth fracture (2), secondary caries combined with restoration fracture (1), restoration fracture (1) and postoperative sensitivity (1). Fisher's exact test yielded no significant difference between both materials (p=0.487).


バルクフィルQuiXfil修復物とTetric Ceram修復物の両材料は、10年間の追跡調査において高い臨床的有効性を示した。

SIGNIFICANCE: Both materials, bulk fill QuiXfil restorations and Tetric Ceram restorations, showed highly clinical effectiveness during the 10-year follow-up.