Prenatal vitamin D and enamel hypoplasia in human primary maxillary central incisors: a pilot study.
PMID: 30100673 PMCID: PMC6086375. DOI: 10.1016/j.pdj.2016.08.001.
エナメル質低形成(EH)はう蝕のリスクを高め、ビタミン D 欠乏とも関連している。このパイロット研究では,妊娠中のヒトの母親の循環ビタミン D 濃度と,胎内で発育する乳児の歯の EH との関連を明らかにするための実現可能性を評価した.
Background: Enamel hypoplasia (EH) increases risk for dental caries and also is associated with vitamin D deficiencies. This pilot study evaluates the feasibility to determine the association of human maternal circulating vitamin D concentrations during pregnancy and EH in infant's teeth that develop in utero.
母親が妊娠中のビタミンD補給のRCTに参加した37人の子供のパイロット集団を評価した。主な転帰はEHであり、主な暴露は、妊娠中の母親の毎月の血清循環25(OH)D濃度でした。EHは、エナメル質欠陥指数とProScope High Resolution™ハンドヘルドデジタルUSBマイクロスコープで作成したデジタル画像を用いて評価されました。
Methods: A pilot population of 37 children whose mothers participated in a RCT of vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy was evaluated. Major outcome was EH and major exposure was maternal monthly serum circulating 25(OH)D concentrations during pregnancy. EH was assessed using the Enamel Defect Index and digital images made by a ProScope High Resolution™ handheld digital USB microscope at 50x magnification.
Results: During initial 8 weeks of study, 29/37 children had evaluable data with mean age of 3.6 ± 0.9 years; 48% male; and 45% White, 31% Hispanic, and 24% Black. EH was identified in 13 (45%) of the children. Maternal mean 25(OH)D concentrations were generally lower for those children with EH.
予備的な結果は、妊娠中のビタミン D 補給 RCT で母親の子供を追跡調査することが、乳歯の EH の病因を研究するための重要なアプローチであることを示唆しています。妊娠中の母親の血清 25(OH)D 濃度のしきい値と時期を明らかにするためには、さらなる研究が必要ですが、子宮内で発育する歯の EH がないことと関連しています。妊娠中の母親のビタミンD充足に関連して、健全な歯の構造を介した幼児期のう蝕予防のための歯科公衆衛生への潜在的な影響を決定する必要があります。
Conclusions: Preliminary results suggest follow-up of children of mothers in a vitamin D supplementation RCT during pregnancy provides an important approach to study the etiology of EH in the primary teeth. Further study is needed to discern thresholds and timing of maternal serum 25(OH)D concentrations during pregnancy associated with absence of EH in teeth that develop in utero. Potential dental public health implications for prevention of early childhood caries via sound tooth structure as related to maternal vitamin D sufficiency during pregnancy need to be determined.