Effect of orthodontic management and orofacial muscle training protocols on the correction of myofunctional and myoskeletal problems in developing dentition. A systematic review and meta-analysis.
PMID: 30152171
このレビューの目的は、発育中の歯列の子供における早期の矯正管理と筋機能的治療の、前方開放咬合の矯正、および口呼吸、嚥下、舌の安静位置と圧力のパターンの正常化に対する効果について、利用できる証拠を評価することでした。MEDLINE、Cochrane、LILACSで言語制限なく電子検索を行った。さらに、未発表の文献も確認した。前方開放咬合と呼吸・嚥下パターンや舌の安静位置・圧力などの他の筋機能を管理するために適用する介入を比較した無作為化比較試験、または対照臨床試験を検討した。品質評価は、Cochrane Risk of Biasツールに基づき行った。治療効果を評価するため、ランダム効果メタアナリシスを実施した。265件の初期検索結果から、15件の論文がレビューに含まれた。8報はランダム化比較試験(RCT)、7報は対照臨床試験であった。治療結果は、セファロメトリーに記録された骨格と歯槽骨の変化、口の姿勢と口唇閉鎖の正常化、舌の静止位置/圧力の改善、嚥下パターンの修正で構成されていた。定量的な統合が可能なのは、含まれるRCTのうち2件のみであった。治療開始時に非栄養的な口腔習慣を有する混合歯列児の前歯部開咬の矯正において、バンド型固定装置よりも接着型リンガルスパーを支持する証拠はなかった(SMD: -0.03; 95%CI: -.81, 0.74; P=0.94).乳歯列および混合歯列児の早期矯正管理と筋機能治療は、有望なアプローチと思われるが、既存のエビデンスの質には疑問がある。
The aim of this review was to evaluate available evidence on the effect of early orthodontic management and myofunctional treatment in the developing dentition children, on anterior open bite correction, as well as on normalization of patterns of mouth breathing, swallowing and tongue resting position and pressure. Electronic searches in MEDLINE, Cochrane and LILACS, without language restrictions were conducted. Additionally, unpublished literature was identified. Randomized controlled trials, or controlled clinical trials, comparing interventions applied to manage anterior open bite and other muscle functions such as breathing/swallowing pattern and tongue resting position and pressure, were considered. Quality assessment was based on the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool. Random effects meta-analyses were conducted to assess treatment effects. From the 265 initial search results, 15 articles were included in the review. Eight were randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and 7 were controlled clinical trials. Treatment outcomes comprised skeletal and dentoalveolar changes recorded cephalometrically, mouth posture and lip closure normalization, improvement of tongue resting position/pressure and modification of swallowing pattern. Quantitative synthesis was possible for only 2 of the included RCTs. There was no evidence to support bonded lingual spurs over banded fixed appliances for the correction of anterior open bite in mixed dentition children presenting nonnutritive oral habits at the onset of treatment (SMD: -0.03; 95%CI: -.81, 0.74; P = 0.94). Although early orthodontic management and myofunctional treatment in the deciduous and mixed dentition children appears to be a promising approach, the quality of the existing evidence is questionable.