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J Clin Dent.2018 Jun;29(2):64-68.


A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy of an Oscillating-Rotating Electric Toothbrush, a Stannous Fluoride Dentifrice, and Floss on Gingivitis.

PMID: 30211993




OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the gingival health efficacy of an oscillating-rotating electric toothbrush, a stannous fluoride dentifrice, and dental floss in adults with mild-to-moderate gingivitis.


本試験は、歯肉出血部位が20ヵ所以上の成人を対象とした、単施設無作為化対照、検査者盲検、2回治療、8週間の並行群間比較試験である。対象者は2群に均等に無作為に割り付けられた:実験的口腔衛生群:オーラルB®振動回転式電動歯ブラシ(丸型ブラシヘッド付き)(D20/EB20)、クレスト®安定化スタナスフッ化物歯磨剤(SnF2 1100 ppm F、NaF 350 ppm F)、オーラルB®グライド®フロスを含む。Glide®フロス、または通常の手動歯ブラシ(Oral-B® Indicator 35)とクレスト®抗う蝕フッ化ナトリウム歯磨剤(NaF 1450 ppm F)を含む通常の口腔衛生対照群。被験者はメーカーの指示に従い、指定された製品を8週間にわたって使用した。歯肉の健康状態は、ベースライン時、4週目、8週目に3つの評価を用いて測定した:歯肉出血指数(GBI)、出血部位数、修正歯肉指数(MGI)。共分散分析を用いて、治療群間の歯肉の健康状態を比較した。

METHODS: This was a single-center, randomized, controlled, examiner-blind, two-treatment, eight-week parallel group study in adults with at least 20 gingival bleeding sites. Eligible subjects were randomized equally to one of two groups: experimental oral hygiene group that included an Oral-B® oscillating-rotating electric toothbrush with round brush head (D20/EB20), Crest® stabilized stannous fluoride dentifrice (SnF2 1100 ppm F, NaF 350 ppm F), and Oral-B® Glide® floss; or regular oral hygiene control group that included a regular manual toothbrush (Oral-B® Indicator 35) and Crest® anti-cavity sodium fluoride dentifrice (NaF 1450 ppm F). Subjects followed manufacturer's instructions and used their assigned products over an eight-week period. Gingival health was measured at baseline, Week 4, and Week 8 using three assessments: Gingival Bleeding Index (GBI), number of bleeding sites, and Modified Gingival Index (MGI). Analysis of Covariance was used to compare gingival health between treatment groups.


平均年齢44歳(範囲:21~74歳)の被験者120名(各群60名)をベースライン時に評価し、113名(対照群57名、実験群56名)が完全に評価可能なデータで試験を完了した。ベースライン時、各群は均衡がとれており、全体の平均値はGBIが0.41、出血部位が51.7、MGIが1.44であった。実験群のみが、4週目と8週目の両方で、3つの歯肉炎評価すべてにおいてベースラインから統計的に有意な減少を示した(p < 0.0001)。これらの時点において、実験群の歯肉の健康状態の改善は、3つの評価すべてにおいて、対照群に対して有意に低い調整平均スコア(p<0.0001)として認められた。4週目と8週目では、GBIがそれぞれ51%と45%、出血部位数が46%と40%、MGIが37%と20%、実験群に有利な減少がみられた。試験治療の忍容性は良好であった。

RESULTS: One hundred and twenty subjects, mean age 44 years (range: 21 to 74 years), were assessed at baseline (60 per group); 113 subjects (57 in control group, 56 in experimental group) completed the study with fully evaluable data. At baseline, the groups were balanced; overall means were 0.41 for GBI, 51.7 for bleeding sites, and 1.44 for MGI. Only the experimental group showed statistically significant reductions from baseline (p < 0.0001) for all three gingivitis assessments at both Weeks 4 and 8. At these time points, better gingival health for the experimental group was seen as significantly lower adjusted mean scores versus the control group (p < 0.0001) for all three assessments. Reductions in favor of the experimental group at Weeks 4 and 8, respectively, were 51% and 45% for GBI, 46% and 40% for number of bleeding sites, and 37% and 20% for MGI. The study treatments were well tolerated.



CONCLUSIONS: Over an eight-week period, an oral hygiene routine with an oscillating-rotating electric toothbrush, stannous fluoride dentifrice, and floss significantly improved gingivitis compared to regular hygiene with a manual toothbrush and an anti-cavity sodium fluoride dentifrice.