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J Endod.2018 Dec;44(12):1843-1848.


Root Reinforcement after Obturation with Calcium Silicate-based Sealer and Modified Gutta-percha Cone.

PMID: 30384982



ケイ酸カルシウム系シーラー(バイオセラミックシーラー[BCS])と改良ガッタパーチャコーン(バイオセラミックコーン[BCC])で根管充填した根管は、根の耐破折性を向上させる可能性がある。本研究の目的は、ガッタパーチャ/AH Plus(Dentsply Maillefer, Tulsa, OK)(GP/AH)と比較して、破折抵抗性、プッシュアウト接着強さ、シーラーの浸透性、弾性率(MOE)を調査することにより、バイオセラミックコーン/シーラー(TotalFill; FKG Dentaire SA, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland)の根面補強を評価することである。

INTRODUCTION: A root canal obturated with a calcium silicate-based sealer (bioceramic sealer [BCS]) and a modified gutta-percha cone (bioceramic cone [BCC]) might improve the fracture resistance of the root. The objective of this study was to evaluate root reinforcement of a bioceramic cone/sealer (TotalFill; FKG Dentaire SA, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland) by investigating the fracture resistance, push-out bond strength, sealer penetration, and modulus of elasticity (MOE) in comparison with gutta-percha/AH Plus (Dentsply Maillefer, Tulsa, OK) (GP/AH).


両側下顎前臼歯の84本の歯根を準備した。40歯を無作為に4群(n=10ずつ)に分け、無傷の歯根(ネガティブコントロール)、準備した歯根(ポジティブコントロール)、BCC/BCSまたはGP/AHで根管治療を行った歯根を用いた。根管はマッチドシングルコーンテクニックで開存させ、破折するまでスプレッダー状のチップで垂直荷重をかけた。BCC/BCSとGP/AHの歯冠部、中間部、先端部の根切片に円筒形プランジャーで荷重をかけ、破折モードを測定した。BCC/BCSおよびGP/AH(各n=12)のシーラー浸透性は,共焦点レーザー走査型顕微鏡を用いて,歯冠レベル,中間レベルおよび歯根端レベルでの最大深さ,浸透の周方向および総面積を評価した.MOEはISO 4049:2000に従って調査された。

METHODS: Eighty-four roots from bilateral mandibular premolars were prepared. For fracture resistance, 40 teeth were randomly divided into 4 groups (n = 10 each): intact roots (negative control), prepared roots (positive control), and the roots obturated with either BCC/BCS or GP/AH. Root canals were obturated with the matched single-cone technique and vertically loaded with a spreaderlike tip until fracture. For push-out bond strength (n = 10 each), coronal, middle, and apical root slices of BCC/BCS and GP/AH were loaded with a cylindrical plunger, and failure modes were determined. Sealer penetration of BCC/BCS and GP/AH (n = 12 each) was evaluated for the maximum depth and the circumferential and total area of penetration at the coronal, middle, and apical levels using confocal laser scanning microscopy. The MOE was investigated according to ISO 4049:2000.



RESULTS: The fracture load of BCC/BCS, GP/AH, and the intact roots was not significantly different but significantly higher than the prepared, nonobturated roots. BCC/BCS provided a higher bond strength, maximum depth, and circumferential penetration at the apical root level as well as a greater sealer penetration area at all levels compared with GP/AH. The MOE of all materials was much lower than dentin.



CONCLUSIONS: BCC/BCS and GP/AH bonded and reinforced the prepared roots; their fracture resistances were similar to the intact roots.