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Sci Rep.2018 Nov;8(1):16532.


Experiment of GBR for repair of peri-implant alveolar defects in beagle dogs.

PMID: 30410063



To guide barrier membrane choice in the treatment of peri-implant alveolar bone defects, we evaluated guided bone regeneration (GBR) using titanium (Ti) mesh or Bio-Gide membrane, independently or in combination, for repair of alveolar bone defects in Beagle dogs. Six months after extraction of the mandibular premolars and first molars from three beagle dogs, we inserted implants assigned into 3 groups and covered with the following membrane combinations: Group A: Implant + Bio-Oss + Ti-mesh, Group B: Implant + Bio-Oss + Bio-Gide, and Group C: Implant + Bio-Oss + Ti-mesh + Bio-Gide. At 6 months, micro-CT revealed that bone volume/total volume (BV/TV), trabecular number (Tb.N), and trabecular thickness (Tb.Th) was significantly greater in Group C than the other two groups, while trabecular separation (Tb.Sp) was significantly lower, suggesting improved bone regeneration. The distance between bands of three fluorescent tracking dyes was significantly greater in Group C, indicating faster deposition of new bone. The Bio-Oss particles were ideally integrated with newly deposited bone and bone thickness was significantly larger in Group C. These findings suggest that combination of Bio-Gide membrane and titanium mesh can effectively repair peri-implant alveolar bone defects, achieving enhanced bone regeneration compared to titanium mesh or Bio-Gide alone, and therefore providing a novel treatment concept for clinical implant surgery.