Long-term side effects of sleep apnea treatment with oral appliances: nature, magnitude and predictors of long-term changes.
PMID: 30850300
OBJECTIVES: Oral appliances for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) reduce upper airway collapse by advancing the mandible (OAm) and associated soft tissues. OAm are well tolerated but have side effects, mainly dental movement. It is not yet clear whether there are irreversible skeletal changes associated with treatment. As oral appliance treatment for OSA is a life-long therapy, careful and extended follow-up of patients is required. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the magnitude and progression of the dental and skeletal changes associated with long-term treatment, in addition to determining the predictors of the changes.
METHODS: Lateral cephalograms of adults treated for primary snoring or mild to severe OSA with a custom-made titratable OAm for a minimum of eight years were retrospectively studied. The magnitude and rate of progression of any changes over time was determined and initial patient and dental characteristics were investigated as possible predictors of the observed side effects.
62人の患者の記録が含まれ、平均治療期間は12.6年(範囲:8~21年)であった。セファロ分析により、観察期間中に上顎切歯の後傾(平均約6°)と下顎切歯の前傾(平均約8°)が有意に観察された。上顎切歯は一定の後傾率-0.5°/年を示したが、下顎切歯の前傾率は変動していた。治療年数はこれらの変数と有意に関連していた(p<0.001).ボディマス指数(BMI)およびSubspinale, Nasion, Supramentale角(ANB)が高いほど、上顎切歯および下顎切歯の傾斜が大きくなることが示された。長期間の観察により、統計的に有意な骨格の変化が認められたが、Sella, Nasion, Supramentale point B (SNB) と下顎平面角の差は約1°であり、臨床的に有意ではないと判断された。
RESULTS: Records of 62 patients with an average treatment time of 12.6 years (range:8-21 years) were included. Cephalometric analysis revealed significant (p < 0.001) maxillary incisor retroclination (mean of ≈6°) and mandibular incisor proclination (mean of ≈8°) over the observation period. Maxillary incisors demonstrated a constant rate of retroclination -0.5°/year, the rate of mandibular incisors proclination was variable. The number of treatment years was significantly associated with these variables (p < 0.001). A greater body mass index (BMI) and Subspinale, Nasion, Supramentale angle (ANB) were associated with more maxillary and mandibular incisor proclination respectively. Although statistically significant (p < 0.001) skeletal changes were noted over this extended observation period, the difference in the Sella, Nasion, Supramentale point B (SNB) and mandibular plane angles were approximately 1° and were deemed not clinically significant.
CONCLUSIONS: This study represents the longest observation period to date examining OAm side effects with up to 21 years of follow up for some patients. It confirms that there are significant and progressive dental changes with prolonged OAm use. Conversely, over the same time period skeletal or postural changes were negligible. Additionally, treatment duration was the predictor consistently associated with the magnitude of the observed side effects.