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Int J Dent Hyg.2019 Nov;17(4):369-380.


Knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of patients regarding interdental deplaquing devices: A mixed-methods study.

PMID: 31152632




OBJECTIVES: This mixed-methods study assessed patients' oral health literacy, motivation level and barriers regarding interdental plaque control.


グライド®プロヘルスフロスオリジナル(F)またはGUM®カーブドソフトピック®アドバンス(SP)の使用を比較した研究の参加者(n=49)は、毎日の日誌と、除咬法に対するモチベーション、疲労感、自信、満足度に関する質問票に回答した。Mantel-Haenszelカイ二乗検定を利用した。また、口腔衛生習慣、知識、歯間プラークコントロールの動機づけおよび障壁に関するフォーカスグループディスカッションに参加した19名の参加者からもデータを収集した。ディスカッションはデジタル録音、転写され、テーマを特定するためにATLAS.ti 7.5.15にインポートされた。

METHODS: Participants (n = 49) from a study comparing the use of Glide® Pro-Health Floss Original (F) or GUM® Curved Soft-Picks® Advance (SP) completed daily diaries and questionnaires regarding motivation, tiredness, confidence and satisfaction for their deplaquing method. The Mantel-Haenszel chi-square test was utilized. Data were also collected from 19 participants who attended focus group discussions regarding their oral health habits, knowledge, motivators and barriers with interdental plaque control. Discussions were digitally recorded, transcribed and imported into ATLAS.ti 7.5.15 to identify themes.



RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in relation to age, sex or ethnicity. F users reported statistically significant higher agreement about ability to remove food/debris (P = 0.01), cleaning thoroughly (P = 0.02) and clean feeling of the mouth (P = 0.01). SP users reported higher ease/efficiency of use (P = 0.01), convenience (P = 0.003), easy to hold (P = 0.0001) and easy use away from home (P = 0.008). Daily diaries revealed higher motivation and compliance/ease of use (SP). During the focus groups, some reported that they did not feel clean unless they deplaqued interdentally; however, most reported that they lacked motivation due to constraints on time, no desire due to lack of immediate or tangible rewards, and lack of knowledge on proper use of interdental devices or the benefits of using them.



CONCLUSION: This study showed that the lack of compliance may be due to poor literacy and lack of motivation in patients due to gaps in patient education.