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J Clin Exp Dent.2019 Jun;11(6):e570-e576.


Endodontic re-treatment and restorative treatment of a dens invaginatus type II through new technologies.

PMID: 31346380




BACKGROUND: The complex anatomy of dens invaginatus makes access cavity to root canal system difficult, which has an impact on the prognosis of these teeth. A novel technique, based on new technologies, is proposed to make access cavity conservative and guided with minimal dental structure lost.


本症例は、慢性的な歯根端膿瘍と歯根端破折に罹患していた左側上切歯の前治療例であるdens invaginatus type IIの根管治療と歯内療法を行った症例である。歯科解剖学的診断のため、コーンビームCTを行った。口腔内スキャンを行い、デジタル3Dモデルを作成しました。コンピューターガイドインプラントプランニングソフトウェアを使用し、アクセスキャビティを計画し、スプリントガイドを設計した。最後に、口腔内スキャニング装置と研磨装置で構成されるチェアサイド・システムにより、レジンナノセラミックベニアでクラウンを修復した。最後に、筆者らは歯内療法を実施し、先端破折片を抜歯した。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: This case report shows the root canal retreatment and the endodontic surgery of a dens invaginatus type II in a left lateral upper incisor previously treated which was affected by a chronic apical abscess and an apical fracture. A Cone Beam Computed Tomography was performed to better diagnosis the dental anatomy. An intraoral scan was performed to get a digital 3D model. A computer-guided implant planning software was used to plan the access cavity and design the splint guided. Finally, the clinical crown was restored by a resin nanoceramic veneer made by a chairside system made up of an intraoral scanning unit and a grinding unit. Last, the authors carried through the endodontic surgery to extract the apical fractured fragment.



RESULTS: Follow-up appointments at 6, 12 and 18 months showed a radiographic reduction of the periapical lesion and absence of clinical signs.



CONCLUSIONS: The splint guide allowed a guided and conservative access cavity to root canal system. It facilitates the root canal retreatment and improves the prognosis of the teeth with dental malformations. CAD-CAM, Cone-Beam Computed Tomography, dens in dente, dens invaginatus, dental pulp cavity, endodontics.