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J Esthet Restor Dent.2020 Mar;32(2):244-250.


Evaluation of two different CAD-CAM inlay-onlays in a split-mouth study: 2-year clinical follow-up.

PMID: 31642587




OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical performance of hybrid ceramic inlay-onlay restorations over a 2-year period.


14人の患者に、合計30本の二ケイ酸リチウム・ガラス・セラミック(LDC; 対照群)と30本のハイブリッド・セラミック(HC; 試験群)のインレー/オンレー修復を行った。セメント埋入1週間後、6ヵ月後、1年後、2年後に、修正米国公衆衛生局(USPHS)基準、歯肉指数、プラーク指数による臨床評価を行った。時間的な有意差についてはフリードマン検定を、差の判定にはウィルコクソンの符号順位検定を用いた。臨床パラメータ、歯肉指数、プラーク指数の時間差はカイ二乗検定で分析した。修正USPHS、歯肉指数、プラーク指数の評価では、両群間に統計学的有意差(P>.05)は認められなかったが、群内では統計学的有意差が認められた。2年後の全生存率は両群とも100%であった。

CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS: A total of 30 lithium disilicate glass ceramic (LDC; control group) and 30 hybrid ceramic (HC; test group) inlay/onlay restorations were performed in 14 patients. Clinical evaluations were performed after 1 week, 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years of cementation according to the modified United States Public Health Service (USPHS) criteria, gingival index, and plaque index. The Friedman test was used for the significant difference in time and Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used for the determination of differences. The clinical parameters, gingival and plaque indexes differences in time were analyzed with Chi-square test. No statistically significant difference (P > .05) was found between the two groups in the modified USPHS, gingival index, and plaque index evaluations, whether statistically significant differences were found within groups. The total survival rate was 100% for both groups after 2 years.



CONCLUSION: Based on the 2-year data, the tested HC can be considered a reliable material for inlay/onlay restorations.


このin vivo試験の結果から、レジンナノセラミック材料とLDC材料の両方が、インレー/オンレー修復の治療にうまく組み込まれたことが示唆された。短期的な結果から、レジンナノセラミック材料は、セラミックの焼成工程に伴う治療時間を短縮するために、インレーおよびオンレー修復における良い選択肢として数えられることが示された。

CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The results of this in vivo study suggest that both resin nanoceramic materials and LDC materials have been successfully incorporated in treatments of inlay and onlay restorations. Short-term results showed that resin nanoceramic materials can be counted as a good choice in inlay and onlay restorations in an effort to reduce the treatment time associated with ceramic firing processes.