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Eur Arch Paediatr Dent.2020 Oct;21(5):573-579.


Socio-economic characteristics, acid drinking patterns and gastric alterations associated with erosive tooth wear in children: a cross-sectional study.

PMID: 31808110




AIMS: Assessing the influence of socio-economic characteristics, acid drinking patterns and gastric alterations considering erosive tooth experience in children.


ブラジル、フロリアノポリスの公立学校で初等教育を受ける08~10歳の小児を対象とした横断研究(n=1085)。養育者は、独立変数(世帯主の学歴、スポーツドリンク、酸性ジュース/ソーダ、チューインガムの摂取頻度、反復性嘔吐、胃障害、過食後の嘔吐)からなる質問票に回答した。訓練された4人の歯科外科医が、侵食性歯牙摩耗依存変数(O'Sullivan index)の検査を行い、う蝕(DMFT)および歯列叢生(DAI index)の情報も収集した。2段階のクラスターサンプリング計画を実施した。未調整および調整ロジスティック回帰モデルを適用した(オッズ比、OR;95%信頼区間、CIおよび5%有意水準)。

METHODS: Cross-sectional study to assess 08-10-year-old children enrolled in the primary education in public schools in Florianopolis, Brazil (n = 1085). Caregivers have answered questionnaires comprising independent variables (head of the household education frequency consumption of sports drinks, acid juice/soda, chewing gum, recurrent vomiting, gastric disorders and vomiting after overeating). Four trained dental surgeons have examined the children for the erosive tooth wear-dependent variable (O'Sullivan index), as well as collected dental caries (DMFT) and dental crowding (DAI index) information. A two-stage cluster-sampling plan was conducted. Unadjusted and adjusted logistic regression models were applied (Odds ratio, OR; 95% Confidence interval, CI and 5% significance level).


侵食性歯牙摩耗の有病率は15.67%であった。侵食性歯牙摩耗は、スポーツドリンクの多量摂取と正の関連があった(OR 3.42、95%CI:1.18-9.23)。養育者の教育レベルが4年以下である小児は、侵食性歯牙摩耗の可能性が低かった(OR 0.39、95%CI:0.17-0.88)。

RESULTS: The prevalence of erosive tooth wear was 15.67%. Erosive tooth wear was positively associated with high consumption of sports drinks (OR 3.42; 95% CI: 1.18-9.23). Children whose caregivers' educational level was equal or less than four years of study were less likely to have erosive tooth wear (OR 0.39; 95% CI: 0.17-0.88).



CONCLUSION: High consumption of sports drinks is positively associated with erosive tooth wear. Children whose caregivers' educational level is low are less likely to present erosive tooth wear.