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Arch Oral Biol.2020 Feb;110:104624.


Effects of different pre-operative doses of dexamethasone on alveolar repair in rats.

PMID: 31841964


Dexamethasoneは、口腔外科や顎顔面外科において、術後の炎症を抑えるために広く使用されている。しかし,その有効性にもかかわらず,軟組織や硬組織の治癒に悪影響を及ぼすことがいくつかの研究で示されている。本研究では、歯槽修復に対する術前のdexamethasoneの投与量の違いによる影響を評価することを目的とした。60匹のラットを15匹ずつの4群に分けた。同等量外挿法により算出したヒトの投与量である4mg(4mg群),8mg(8mg群),12mg(12mg群)に相当するデキサメタゾンの術前単回投与を行い,対照群のラットには生理食塩水を注射した。動物は麻酔をかけられ,左下顎第一大臼歯(M1)を抜去された。3日後、7日後、40日後に各群5匹の動物を安楽死させ、M1歯槽の骨試料を採取し、歯槽の治癒の初期および後期の段階を放射状に、組織形態学的に、および組織学的に評価した。3日後、12mg群はControl群に比べ、X線写真の密度、コラーゲンの割合、結合組織の割合が減少した。7日目には、対照群は8mg群および12mg群に比べて骨の割合が増加した(P < 0.05)。以上のことから、デキサメタゾン12mgの術前単回投与は、ラットの歯槽骨修復の初期段階に影響を与えたと結論付けられる。

Dexamethasone has been widly used in oral and maxillofacial surgery for controlling of postoperative surgical inflammation. Despite its clinical effectiveness, several studies have demonstrated the negative impact of this drug on the healing of soft and hard tissues. This study aimed to assess the effects of different pre-operative doses of dexamethasone on alveolar repair. Sixty rats were divided into four groups of 15 animals each. Single pre-operative doses of dexamethasone equivalent to human doses of 4 mg (Group 4 mg), 8 mg (Group 8 mg), and 12 mg (Group 12 mg), calculated by allometric dose extrapolation, were administered; and rats in the Control Group were injected with saline solution. The animals were anesthetized, and their left mandibular first molars (M1) were removed. After three, seven, and 40 days, 5 animals from each group were euthanized, and bone samples of M1 alveolus were collected for radipgraphic, histomorphological and histometric evaluation of the early and late phases of alveolar healing. At three days, Group 12 mg presented reduced radiographic density, percentage of collagen, and connective matrix compared with the Control Group. At 7 days, the percentage of bone was increased in the Control Group compared to Groups 8 mg and 12 mg (P < 0.05). It can be concluded that a single pre-operative dose of 12 mg of dexamethasone affected the early stages of alveolar repair in rats.