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J Contemp Dent Pract.2019 Nov;20(11):1323-1328.


Efficacy of PRF vs PRF + Biodegradable Collagen Plug in Post-extraction Preservation of Socket.

PMID: 31892686




AIM: To compare the clinical sequelae of the efficacy of PRF vs PRF + collagen plug in soft tissue healing and preservation of the socket width, height, and bone density in patients reporting for extractions of maxillary or mandibular anterior or posterior teeth and patients who desired replacement of teeth with dental implants in future.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 54 patients who were divided randomly into 3 groups consisting of 18 patients in each group: in group I, no preservation of extraction socket; in group II, PRF was used; and in group III, PRF + collagen plug was used for preservation of extraction socket. Assessment of the soft tissue healing, bone density, bone height, and width was done on 1st, 8th, 12th, and 16th weeks, postoperatively.


PRFとPRF + Collaplugは、骨高さ、骨密度、軟組織の治癒において同等であったが、PRF + CollaplugはPRF単独よりも術後4ヶ月目の骨幅の保存において優れており、再吸収性Collaplug®がソケット幅の保存においてさらなる役割を果たしていることが示された。

RESULT: Both PRF and PRF + Collaplug are comparable to each other in preserving the bone height, bone density, and also similar soft tissue healing; however PRF + Collaplug is better than PRF alone in preserving the bone width 4th month postoperatively, indicating that the resorbable Collaplug® does play an additional role in preserving the socket width.


PRF + Collaplug® は PRF 単独と比較して、ソケットの温存においてより良好な臨床結果を示した。しかし、結果は統計学的に有意ではなかったため、PRF + Collaplug® によるソケット温存をより大きなサンプル数で行うことで、統計学的な臨界値が得られ、我々の観察が実証される可能性がある。

CONCLUSION: PRF + Collaplug® has better clinical outcome in socket preservation in comparison to PRF alone. However, as results were not statistically significant, subjecting a larger sample size with PRF + Collaplug® for socket preservation may result in statistical critical values to substantiate our observations.


PRFとCollaplug®は、抜歯後の骨梁の保存に役立ち、また患者にとって将来インプラントを埋入する際に骨移植を追加する手間を省くことができる。この論文の引用方法Ahmed N, Gopalakrishna V, Shetty A, Efficacy of PRF vs PRF + Biodegradable Collagen Plug in Post-extraction Preservation of Socket.J Contemp Dent Pract 2019;20(11):1323-1328.

CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: PRF and Collaplug® can help in ridge preservation after extraction and also avoid additional bone grafting procedures in future implant placement for the patients. How to cite this article: Ahmed N, Gopalakrishna V, Shetty A, Efficacy of PRF vs PRF + Biodegradable Collagen Plug in Post-extraction Preservation of Socket. J Contemp Dent Pract 2019;20(11):1323-1328.