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Arthroscopy.2020 Mar;36(3):725-731.


The Dancer's Hip: The Hyperflexible Athlete: Anatomy and Mean 3-Year Arthroscopic Clinical Outcomes.

PMID: 31919029




PURPOSE: To report preoperative anatomy, patient-related outcomes measures, and return to dance rates in a cohort of competitive dancers undergoing an arthroscopic hip procedure.


2008年から2016年の間に股関節鏡視下手術を受けた競技ダンサーを対象とした。具体的なダンスの種類、形態、および放射線学的パラメータを記録した。転帰はMHHS(Modified Harris Hip Score)、12項目健康調査(Short Form Health Survey)、視覚的アナログスケール、HOOS(Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Scores)で評価した。

METHODS: Competitive dancers who underwent an arthroscopic hip procedure between 2008 and 2016 were included. Specific types of dance performed, morphology, and radiographic parameters were documented. Outcomes were evaluated with Modified Harris Hip Score (mHHS), the 12-Item Short Form Health Survey, visual analog scale, and Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Scores (HOOS).


今回の研究には63名の競技ダンサー(77股関節)が参加し、平均年齢は21.2歳であった。具体的なダンスの種類は、スタジオダンス57名、ハイキックダンス41名で、28名(44%)がプロレベルであった。形態としては、カム型大腿骨寛骨臼インピンジメント(95%)、挟み込み型大腿骨寛骨臼インピンジメント(40%)、前下腸骨棘インピンジメント(棘下)(83%)、軽度(境界域)形成不全(11%)などがあった。実施された処置は、関節唇修復術95%、関節唇剥離術5%、大腿骨切除術99%、縁切除術49%、棘下除圧術88%、被膜形成術66%であった。関節鏡視下手術後平均36ヵ月の追跡調査において、転帰の平均改善度は、25.6点(mHHS)、18.9点(HOOS-activities of daily living)、29.9点(HOOS-Sports)、8.7点(12-Item Short Form Health Survey)、3.7点(visual analog scale)であった(各々P<0.01)。mHHS(60.0点 vs 85.6点)、HOOS-日常生活動作(72.5点 vs 91.5点)、HOOS-スポーツ(49.7点 vs 79.6点)は、術前から直近の追跡調査まで有意に改善した(P < 0.01)。ダンサーの63%が以前の競技ダンスレベルに復帰し、21%が制限付きまたは修正されたダンスに復帰した。

RESULTS: There were 63 competitive dancers (77 hips) with a mean age 21.2 years in the current study. Specific types of dance performed included 57 studio dance and 41 high-kick dance, and 28 dancers (44%) were professional-level. Morphology included cam-type femoroacetabular impingement (95%), pincer-type femoroacetabular impingement (40%), anterior inferior iliac spine impingement (subspine) (83%), and mild (borderline) dysplasia (11%). Procedures performed included 95% labral repairs, 5% labral debridements, 99% femoral resections, 49% rim resections, 88% subspine decompressions, and 66% capsular plications. At mean 36 months' follow-up post-arthroscopy, the mean outcome improvements were 25.6 points (mHHS), 18.9 points (HOOS-activities of daily living), 29.9 points (HOOS-Sports), 8.7 points (12-Item Short Form Health Survey), and 3.7 points (visual analog scale) (P < .01 for each). Scores were significantly improved from preoperatively to most recent follow-up for mHHS (60.0 vs 85.6 points), HOOS-activities of daily living (72.5 vs 91.5 points), and HOOS-Sports (49.7 vs 79.6) (P < .01). Sixty-three percent of dancers returned to their previous level of competitive dance, 21% returned to limited or modified dance, and 16% were unable to return to dance, including 1 retirement.



CONCLUSIONS: A careful arthroscopic approach to address cam-type pathomorphology, highly prevalent subspine impingement, and capsular laxity in competitive dancers can achieve a modest rate of return to sport and good-to-excellent patient-reported outcomes at short- to mid-term (3-year) follow-up. Eighty-four percent of dancers ultimately returned to competitive dance, although only 63% returned to their preinjury competitive level.



LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: IV, case series.