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Am J Dent.2019 Dec;32(6):271-275.


Effect of surface treatment and cement type on dentin bonding of processed resin composite.

PMID: 31920051




PURPOSE: To examine the effect of surface treatment and cement type on dentin bonding of processed resin composite restorations.


牛切歯を切開して象牙質中間部を露出させ、無作為に4群に割り付けた:ULT群では、Lava UltimateコンポジットブロックをRelyX Ultimateで象牙質に接着し、ULT-CJ群では、ULT群と同様に処理したが、接着前にCoJetでインタリオ表面を処理し、UNC群では、RelyX Unicem 2で接着し、UNC-CJ群では、UNC群と同様に処理したが、CoJetでインタリオ表面を処理した。RelyX Unicem 2は自己接着性レジンセメントとして、RelyX Ultimateはスコッチボンド ユニバーサルとの接着性レジンセメントとして使用した。すべての接着剤とレジン組成物は、高照度LED重合ライト(Elipar DeepCure-S)を用いて重合した。接着後、すべての試験片を湿度100%、37℃で7日間保存し、微小引張接着強さ(μTBS)試験に供した(n=15)。破壊モードはSEM下で凝集性、接着性、混合性として分析した。データは、二元配置分散分析(ANOVA)とTukey's HSDポストホックテスト(α=0.05)を用いて統計的有意性を分析した。

METHODS: Bovine incisors were sectioned to expose mid-dentin, and randomly assigned to four different groups: Group ULT, Lava Ultimate composite blocks were bonded to dentin with RelyX Ultimate; Group ULT-CJ was treated as in Group ULT but CoJet was used to treat the intaglio surface prior to bonding; Group UNC was bonded with RelyX Unicem 2; and Group UNC-CJ was treated as in Group UNC but CoJet was used to treat the intaglio surface. RelyX Unicem 2 was used as a self-adhesive resin cement, while RelyX Ultimate was used as an adhesive resin cement with Scotchbond Universal. All adhesives and resin composites were polymerized with a high-irradiance LED polymerizing light (Elipar DeepCure-S). After bonding, all specimens were kept in 100% humidity and 37°C for 7 days and then processed for microtensile bond strength (µTBS) testing (n=15). The failure mode was analyzed under SEM as cohesive, adhesive, or mixed. Data were analyzed for statistical significance using two-way ANOVA and Tukey's HSD post-hoc test (α=0.05).


μTBSの平均値は、UNCの8.83MPa(±3.13MPa)からULT-CJの25.63MPa(±5.94MPa)の範囲であった。平均値は、自己接着性セメントと比較して、接着性セメントで統計的に有意に高く(P< 0.05)、接着性セメントでは、CoJetが統計的に有意に高い平均値を示した(P< 0.05)。試験前の不合格の数は、グループ間で均一であった(n=2~4)。失敗の多くは接着性と混合性であった。接着性レジンセメントRelyX Ultimateは、自己接着性レジンセメントRelyX Unicem 2よりも有意に良好な結果を示し、CoJetによる表面処理は、Lava Ultimateの象牙質に対する接着強さを改善した。

RESULTS: Mean µTBS values ranged from 8.83 MPa (±3.13 MPa) for UNC to 25.63 MPa (±5.94 MPa) for ULT-CJ. Means were statistically significantly higher for the adhesive cement when compared with the self-adhesive cement (P< 0.05), and, for the adhesive cement, CoJet resulted in statistically significantly higher means (P< 0.05). The number of pre-test failures was uniform across groups (n=2-4). Failures were predominantly adhesive and mixed. The adhesive resin cement RelyX Ultimate performed significantly better than the self-adhesive resin cement RelyX Unicem 2, and surface treatment with CoJet improved bond strengths of Lava Ultimate to dentin.



CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: CoJet treatment and adhesive resin cements should be used when bonding laboratory/CAD-CAM processed resin composite restorations to dentin.