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J Am Dent Assoc.1988 Dec;117(7):829-32.


The effect of a fluoridated dentifrice on root and coronal caries in an older adult population.

PMID: 3204243


成人の根面う蝕に対するフッ化物の効果に関する情報はほとんどない。54歳以上の健常成人810人を対象としたこの二重盲検臨床試験では,フッ化ナトリウムとして1,100ppm Fを含むフッ素入り歯磨剤のう蝕予防効果が明らかになった.1年間の試験期間中,歯冠う蝕発生率(41%)および歯根面う蝕発生率(67%)ともに,対照歯磨剤群と比較して統計学的に有意な差が認められた.

Little information is available on the effect of fluorides on root surface caries in adults. This double-blind clinical study of 810 healthy adults, aged 54 and older, demonstrated decided cariostatic effects of a fluoridated dentifrice containing 1,100 ppm F as sodium fluoride. Statistically significant differences on both coronal (41%) and root surface caries (67%) incidence were produced in the test group and compared with a control dentifrice group during 1 year of study.