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J Biomech Eng.2020 Mar;142(3):0310061-03100613.


Head Rotational Kinematics, Tissue Deformations, and Their Relationships to the Acute Traumatic Axonal Injury.

PMID: 32073595



Head rotational kinematics and tissue deformation metrics obtained from finite element models (FEM) have the potential to be used as traumatic axonal injury (TAI) assessment criteria and headgear evaluation standards. These metrics have been used to predict the likelihood of TAI occurrence; however, their ability in the assessment of the extent of TAI has not been explored. In this study, a pig model of TAI was used to examine a wide range of head loading conditions in two directions. The extent of TAI was quantified through histopathology and correlated to the FEM-derived tissue deformations and the head rotational kinematics. Peak angular acceleration and maximum strain rate of axonal fiber and brain tissue showed relatively good correlation to the volume of axonal injury, with similar correlation trends for both directions separately or combined. These rotational kinematics and tissue deformations can estimate the extent of acute TAI. The relationships between the head kinematics and the tissue strain, strain rate, and strain times strain rate were determined over the experimental range examined herein, and beyond that through parametric simulations. These relationships demonstrate that peak angular velocity and acceleration affect the underlying tissue deformations and the knowledge of both help to predict TAI risk. These relationships were combined with the injury thresholds, extracted from the TAI risk curves, and the kinematic-based risk curves representing overall axonal and brain tissue strain and strain rate were determined for predicting TAI. After scaling to humans, these curves can be used for real-time TAI assessment.