急性視神経炎(MOVING)の最初の片側エピソードの後の Fingolimod - 無作為化、評価者盲検、活性化対照、第2相試験の予備的な結果
Fingolimod after a first unilateral episode of acute optic neuritis (MOVING) - preliminary results from a randomized, rater-blind, active-controlled, phase 2 trial.
PMID: 32126977 PMCID: PMC7052969. DOI: 10.1186/s12883-020-01645-z.
BACKGROUND: Neuroprotection and promotion of remyelination represent important therapeutic gaps in multiple sclerosis (MS). Acute optic neuritis (ON) is a frequent MS manifestation. Based on the presence and properties of sphingosine-1-phosphate receptors (S1PR) on astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, we hypothesized that remyelination can be enhanced by treatment with fingolimod, a S1PR modulator currently licensed for relapsing-remitting MS.
MOVING試験は、治験責任医師主導、評価者盲検、無作為化臨床試験であった。臨床的に孤立した症候群またはMSの再発として発症した急性片側性ONを有する患者さんを対象に、0.5mgのフィンゴリモド経口投与またはIFN-β1b 250μgの皮下投与を6カ月間、1日おきに投与する群に無作為に割り付けられました。対象眼の多焦点視覚誘発電位(mfVEP)潜時の変化を一次アウトカム(6ヵ月目対ベースライン)および二次アウトカム(3ヵ月目、6ヵ月目、12ヵ月目対ベースライン)として検討した。さらに、全視野視覚誘発電位、視力、光コヒーレンス・トモグラフィー、臨床的再発の有無、障害の指標、脳MRI、自己申告による視覚的生活の質を追跡調査した。この研究は募集が不十分(n=15)であったため中止され、利用可能な結果が報告された。
METHODS: MOVING was an investigator-driven, rater-blind, randomized clinical trial. Patients with acute unilateral ON, occurring as a clinically isolated syndrome or MS relapse, were randomized to 6 months of treatment with 0.5 mg oral fingolimod or subcutaneous IFN-β 1b 250 μg every other day. The change in multifocal visual evoked potential (mfVEP) latency of the qualifying eye was examined as the primary (month 6 vs. baseline) and secondary (months 3, 6 and 12 vs. baseline) outcome. In addition, full field visual evoked potentials, visual acuity, optical coherence tomography as well as clinical relapses and measures of disability, cerebral MRI, and self-reported visual quality of life were obtained for follow-up. The study was halted due to insufficient recruitment (n = 15), and available results are reported.
RESULTS: Per protocol analysis of the primary endpoint revealed a significantly larger reduction of mfVEP latency at 6 months compared to baseline with fingolimod treatment (n = 5; median decrease, 15.7 ms) than with IFN-β 1b treatment (n = 4; median increase, 8.15 ms) (p < 0.001 for interaction). Statistical significance was maintained in the secondary endpoint analysis. Descriptive results are reported for other endpoints.
CONCLUSION: Preliminary results of the MOVING trial argue in support of a beneficial effect of fingolimod on optic nerve remyelination when compared to IFN-β treatment. Interpretation is limited by the small number of complete observations, an unexpected deterioration of the control group and a difference in baseline mfVEP latencies. The findings need to be confirmed in larger studies.
本試験は、2012 年 10 月 26 日に EUDRA-CT 2011-004787-30、2012 年 7 月 24 日に NCT01647880 として登録された。
TRIAL REGISTRATION: The trial was registered as EUDRA-CT 2011-004787-30 on October 26, 2012 and as NCT01647880 on July 24, 2012.