[Roles of G Protein-gated Inward Rectifier Potassium Channels in Substance Addiction].
PMID: 32131949 DOI: 10.3881/j.issn.1000-503X.10972.
GIRK チャネルは中枢神経系に広く分布しており、神経細胞の安静時膜電位の維持、神経細胞の興奮性の調整、神経伝達物質の放出の調節などに重要な役割を果たしている。本稿では、GIRK チャネルの構造、頭蓋内組織分布、特に物質依存症の観点から、GIRK チャネルの最近の研究成果をまとめた。
G protein-gated inward rectifier potassium(GIRK)channels are widely distributed in the central nervous system and play important roles in maintaining the resting membrane potential of neurons,adjusting neuronal excitability,and regulating the release of neurotransmitter.Studies have shown that addictive behavior is closely related to the expression and activity of the GIRK channels in the brain reward system and the GIRK channels may be a potential target for addiction treatment.This article summarizes the recent research advances in GIRK channels in terms of structure,intracranial tissue distribution,and especially substance addiction.