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J Endod.2020 May;46(5):596-604.e3.


Effect of Root Canal Irrigants on the Mechanical Properties of Endodontically Treated Teeth: A Scoping Review.

PMID: 32147184



本研究の目的は、スコープレビューを通じて、根管洗浄剤が歯内療法を行った歯の機械的特性に影響を与えるかどうか、またどのような特性が影響を受ける可能性があるかを明らかにすることであった。本研究のプロトコルは、オンライン(https://osf.io/yc9nb/)で入手可能であり、Joana Briggs Instituteのガイドラインに従った。報告は、PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviewsに基づいた。

INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to identify through a scoping review whether root canal irrigants influence the mechanical properties of endodontically treated teeth, and which properties could be affected. The protocol of this study, available online (https://osf.io/yc9nb/), followed the Joana Briggs Institute guidelines. Reporting was based on PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews.



METHODS: We selected studies written in English that evaluated the effect of at least one irrigant on the mechanical properties of endodontically treated teeth. The search and study screening were performed in PubMed and Scopus databases by 2 independent researchers. A descriptive analysis was performed to consider the study design, the characteristics of the irrigants, and the properties tested.



RESULTS: The initial search yielded 608 citations, of which 66 were included. On the basis of the collected data, the most commonly used solutions were 17% EDTA, 2.5% or 5% sodium hypochlorite, and 2% chlorhexidine, and the most common tested properties were hardness and strength. Alterations in the modulus of elasticity, stress and strain concentration during preparation, and roughness were also assessed.



CONCLUSIONS: The majority of studies corroborated a negative effect of all solutions on the mechanical properties of endodontically treated teeth. Furthermore, increases in the concentration of the solution and in the time of exposure were found to intensify deleterious effects. However, disinfection of the canal is also a crucial factor in endodontic success. Thus, clinicians should consider these factors to mitigate the effects without interfering with antibacterial properties, customizing the choice of the solution to the case in hand.