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J Family Med Prim Care.2020 Feb;9(2):1222-1225.


Management of radicular cyst in deciduous molar: A case report.

PMID: 32318500



Radicular cysts associated with deciduous teeth are very rare. They constitute 0.5-3.3% of the total number of cysts in primary dentition. Radicular cysts involving deciduous teeth occur mostly in 3-19 years of age and has a male predominance. Enucleation with extensive removal of bone and vital teeth is preferred treatment for large radicular cysts and marsupialization can be preferred as a conservative approach to reduce morbidity. This paper presents a case report of a radicular cyst associated with a mandibular left deciduous first molar of a 7-year-old male child. The first premolar was displaced and the path of eruption was disturbed, horizontally placed below the first primary molar. The management comprised enucleation of the cystic sac and extraction of the involved permanent and primary teeth under general anesthesia.