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J Adhes Dent.2020;22(2):215-224.


3D Interfacial Gap and Fracture Resistance of Endodontically Treated Premolars Restored with Fiber-reinforced Composites.

PMID: 32322842




PURPOSE: To evaluate interfacial gap and fracture resistance of endodontically treated maxillary premolars, restored with different glass-fiber reinforced materials.


84本の無傷の上顎小臼歯を歯内治療し、MOD窩洞を作製した。以下の7群(各群n = 12)に分けた:健全歯(G1);修復なし(G2);繊維強化コンポジット(everX Posterior GC)を用いた直接コンポジット修復(G3);直接コンポジット修復(Filtek Supreme XTE, 3M Oral Care; "FSXTE")(G4);高粘度流動性コンポジット(G-æニアルフロー、GC)を歯髄腔床に埋入し、10mm×3mmのグラスファイバー(everStick NET、GC)を腔内に挿入した(G5);直接修復をFSXTE(3M Oral Care)で段階的に行った以外は5群と同様の処置を行った(G6);コンポジットオーバーレイを装着した(G7)。修復物と歯(象牙質およびエナメル質)の間の空隙を計算するために、Mimicsソフトウェアを用いて咀嚼シミュレーションを行う前と後の3D界面ギャップを評価するために、マイクロCTで標本をスキャンした。これらのデータ(単位mm3)は統計解析のために収集された。その後、万能試験機を用いて試験片に破折荷重をかけた。最大破断荷重はニュートン(N)で記録した。得られたデータは、二元配置分散分析(way-way ANOVA)とTukeyの事後検定(p < 0.05)を用いて分析した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eighty-four extracted intact premolars were endodontically treated and MOD cavities prepared. Specimens were divided into 7 groups (n = 12 for each) as follows: sound teeth (G1); no restoration (G2); direct composite restoration with fiber-reinforced composite (everX Posterior GC) (G3); direct composite restoration (Filtek Supreme XTE, 3M Oral Care; "FSXTE") (G4); a horizontal layer of high-viscosity flowable composite (G-ænial Flow, GC) was placed on the pulp chamber floor, 10 mm x 3 mm glass fibers (everStick NET, GC) were inserted into the cavity (G5); same procedure as in group 5 except the direct restoration was made incrementally with FSXTE (3M Oral Care) (G6); composite overlays were placed (G7). Specimens were scanned with micro-CT to evaluate 3D interfacial gaps before and after chewing simulation using Mimics software to calculate voids between restoration and tooth (dentin and enamel). These data (in mm3) were collected for statistical analysis. Thereafter, specimens were loaded to fracture using a universal testing machine. Maximum breaking loads were recorded in Newton (N). The data obtained were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey's test (p < 0.05).



RESULTS: ANOVA showed that horizontal glass-fiber insertions statistically significantly reduced interfacial gaps after chewing simulation. No differences in fracture resistance were found between Filtek Supreme XTE and everX Posterior; moreover, glass-fiber insertion did not significantly improve fracture resistance in either case. Composite overlays achieved significantly better fracture toughness than did direct restorations.



CONCLUSIONS: For the direct restoration of endodontically treated premolars, the insertion of glass fibers into direct composite restorations was unable to guarantee a significant increase in the fracture resistance or a significant change in the fracture pattern. However, it significantly reduced interfacial gap volume after cycling fatigue.