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Oper Dent.2020 Sep;45(5):E217-E226.


Post-gel and Total Shrinkage Stress of Conventional and Bulk-fill Resin Composites in Endodontically-treated Molars.

PMID: 32352352




CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The clinician should consider the polymerization shrinkage stress when selecting a composite resin for posterior restorations. The use of post-gel shrinkage values should guide the selection of a composite resin for posterior teeth.


目的本研究の目的は,歯内治療歯の修復に用いる従来型コンポジットレジンおよびバルクフィルコンポジットレジンの収縮応力に対する重合収縮率の計算方法(全重合収縮率またはポストゲル収縮率)の影響を,有限要素解析を用いて評価することである.方法:4種類のコンポジットレジンについて,ストレインゲージ試験によるゲル後収縮(P-Shr)と光学的方法による全収縮(TShr)を試験した(n=10).2種類の従来型コンポジットレジン、Filtek Z350 XT(3M-ESPE;Z350)とTPH3 Spectrum(Dents-ply;TPH3)と2種類のバルクフィルコンポジットレジン。Filtek Bulk-Fill Posterior (3M-ESPE; POST) SureFil SDR flow (Dentsply; SDR)を試験した。弾性率(E)、径方向引張強さ(DTS)、圧縮強さ(CS)も測定した(n=10)。残留収縮応力は、Z350とTPH3による漸増法、SDR/TPH3(4 mmのバルク漸増2回と咬合漸増2回)、およびPOST(5 mmのバルク漸増2回)の4つの修復技術を用いた有限要素解析により評価した。P-Shr、T-Shr、E、DTS、およびCSのデータは、分散分析およびTukeyの検定(α=0.05)によって分析し、残留収縮は修正von Mises基準によって定量的および定性的に分析した:結果:CS値はSDRが最も低く、POSTとTPH3は同程度と中間の値を示し、Z350が最も高かった。TPH3とZ350のDTS値は同等で、SDRより高い値を示した。Z350とPOSTはP-Shrが高く、SDRはT-Shrが低かった。T-Shr は P-Shr よりも高い収縮応力を示した。SDR/TPH3では、T-Shrを用いた場合の方が収縮応力が高く、P-Shrを用いた場合の方が低い値となった:結論:T-ShrはP-Shrよりもエナメル質および歯髄室に近い歯根象牙質の応力が高くなった。T-ShrまたはP-Shrの選択により、試験したコンポジットレジンの収縮応力の順位が変化した。

SUMMARY: Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the method used for calculation of polymerization shrinkage, total or post-gel, on the shrinkage stress of conventional and bulk-fill composite resins for restoring endodontically treated teeth using finite element analysis.Methods and Materials: Four composite resins were tested for post-gel shrinkage (P-Shr) by the strain-gauge test and total shrinkage (TShr) using an optical method (n=10). Two conventional composite resins, Filtek Z350 XT (3M-ESPE; Z350) and TPH3 Spectrum (Dents-ply; TPH3) and two bulk-fill composite resins. Filtek Bulk-Fill Posterior (3M-ESPE; POST) SureFil SDR flow (Dentsply; SDR) were tested. Elastic modulus (E), diametral tensile strength (DTS), and compressive strength (CS) were also determined (n=10). The residual shrinkage stress was evaluated by finite element analysis with four restorative techniques: incremental with Z350 and TPH3; SDR/TPH3 (two bulk increments of 4 mm and two occlusal increments); and two bulk increments of 5 mm for POST. Data for P-Shr, T-Shr, E, DTS, and CS were analyzed by analysis of variance and Tukey's test (α=0.05), and residual shrinkage was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively by the modified von Mises criteria.Results: SDR had the lowest CS values, POST and TPH3 had similar and intermediate values, and Z350 had the highest CS. TPH3 and Z350 had similar DTS values and values higher than SDR. Z350 and POST had higher P-Shr, and SDR had lower T-Shr. T-Shr resulted in higher shrinkage stress than P-Shr values. SDR/TPH3 resulted in higher shrinkage stress when using T-Shr and lower values when using the P-Shr value.Conclusion: T-Shr resulted in higher stress in the enamel and in root dentin close to the pulp chamber than P-Shr values. The selection of the T-Shr or P-Shr changed the ranking of the shrinkage stress of the tested composite resin.