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BMC Ophthalmol.2020 May;20(1):201. 10.1186/s12886-020-01472-3. doi: 10.1186/s12886-020-01472-3.Epub 2020-05-24.

HLA B27を合併した急性前房ぶどう膜炎で観察された重篤なフレア反応の1例

A case of severe flare reaction observed in HLA B27 associated acute anterior uveitis.

  • Jae-Ik Kim
  • Choul Yong Park
PMID: 32448152 PMCID: PMC7247201. DOI: 10.1186/s12886-020-01472-3.




BACKGROUND: Anterior chamber flare reaction refers to the light reflection from the protein in aqueous humor. We report a case of very severe flare reaction observed in human leukocyte antigen (HLA)- B27 associated acute anterior uveitis (AAU).


症例は43歳の男性で,1週間前に発症した右眼の視力低下を訴えてぶどう膜炎クリニックを受診した.眼科検査では,右眼にびまん性結膜充血を伴う非常に重篤な前房フレア反応が認められた.瞳孔縁や虹彩の詳細はほとんど観察されなかった.プレドニゾロン20mgを1日1回,酢酸プレドニゾロン外用剤1%(Pred Forte, Allergan, CA)を2時間毎に,シクロペントレート外用剤1%(Cyclogyl, Alcon, TX)を1日3回,経口投与した.翌日、右眼のフレア反応が著しく減少し、前室の炎症細胞が確認された。詳細な眼底検査では、網膜や毛様体に炎症徴候は認められなかった。その後、血液検査でHLA B27とループス抗凝固薬に対する自己抗体が陽性で、C反応性蛋白の軽度な上昇が認められた。強直性脊椎炎の徴候は認められなかった。治療の継続と1%酢酸プレドニゾロン外用剤の4週間の漸減により前房炎は完全に消失した。

CASE PRESENTATION: An age 43 male patient visited the uveitis clinic complaining of decreased visual acuity in the right eye which developed 1 week before. The detailed ophthalmic examination revealed very severe flare reaction in the anterior chamber with diffuse conjunctival hyperemia in the right eye. Pupil margin and iris details were barely observable. Oral prednisolone 20 mg daily with topical 1% prednisolone acetate (Pred Forte, Allergan, CA) every 2 h and 1% topical cyclopentolate (Cyclogyl, Alcon, TX) three times daily were immediately prescribed. The next day, the flare reaction of the right eye decreased significantly and inflammatory cells in the anterior chamber were visible. Detailed fundus examination revealed no inflammatory signs on the retina and ciliary body. Later, the blood test revealed positive HLA B27 and autoantibodies against lupus anticoagulant with mild elevation of C reactive protein. There were no signs for ankylosing spondylitis. Continued treatment and tapering of topical 1% prednisolone acetate for 4 weeks led to the complete resolution of the anterior uveitis.


非常に重度のフレア反応を特徴とするHLA-B27 AAUを経験しました。従来のぶどう膜炎治療が奏功し、炎症の完全消失を獲得した。

CONCLUSIONS: We experienced HLA-B27 AAU with the feature of a very severe flare reaction. Conventional uveitis treatment was successful to acquire the complete resolution of the inflammation.