2011年9月~2018年9月の間にDokuz Eylül大学医学部附属病院で検出された腸内寄生虫の分布
Distribution of Intestinal Parasites Detected between September 2011-2018 at Dokuz Eylül University Medical Faculty Hospital.
PMID: 32482040 DOI: 10.4274/tpd.galenos.2020.6662.
腸管寄生虫症は、わが国のみならず世界的にも重要な公衆衛生上の問題である。本研究では、Dokuz Eylül University Hospital (DEUH)に入院した様々な消化器系疾患を有する患者を対象に、腸内寄生虫を調査した。
Objective: Intestinal parasitic diseases are important public health problems in our country as well as in the world. In this study, intestinal parasites were investigated in patients admitted to Dokuz Eylül University Hospital (DEUH) with various gastrointestinal system complaints.
Methods: Patients (n=18460) who were referred to the DEUH Central Parasitology Laboratory between January 2011 and December 2018, were included in the study. Fecal samples were examined with Nativ-lugol method and then formol ethyl-acetate precipitation method was applied. Trichrome and kinyoun acid-fast stainings were performed on the necessary samples. Demographic data of the patients were obtained from the hospital's and laboratory's information operating system.
Results: One or more parasites were detected in 6% (1128) of 18460 patients examined. The mean age of the patients with parasites was 39.7 (±23.1) years, of which 53.3% were male and 47.6% were female. The distribution of parasites detected were as follows; 4.8% (879) , 0.7% (135) amoebas other than , 0.4% (70) , 0.3% (49) , 0.1% (21) , and 0.01% (10) other rare parasites.
Conclusion: Our study shows that intestinal parasitic infections are still an important public health problem in our region and that there is a decrease in their incidence.